
  • surrenders to lose ww1

    they had to sign the treaty of versailles(punishment)
  • treaty of Versailles

    most important peace treatie that stoped ww1
  • beerhall putch

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the German government (failed)
  • hyper inflation

    hyper inflation
    prices rises so fast it gets out of control
  • hitler was arrested

    hitler was arrested
    Hitler was charged with treason and he had a huge chance of dying but he gave a speak and he made everyone believe him
  • Period: to

    germany had a rupublic

    replublic style government
  • Anne was born

    Anne was born
    She was born on this day
  • Hitler became Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler became Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler was a person that wanted to be an artist but he got turned down and he offered help to the Germans. He was very good with speeches and talking people into doing things because he was good at it
  • Period: to

    the Holocaust

    The jews were killed and a lot of others died. Hitler was involved
  • the war starts

    the war starts
  • reichstag fire

  • enabling act

    Weimar Constitution amendment that gave the German Cabinet – in effect, Chancellor Adolf Hitler – the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag.
  • Nuremberg laws

    who are jews who are not jews
    denied citizenship
    forbade jews from marrying non-jews
    cannot fly national flag
    the punishments include fines, imprisonment, and hard labor
  • liberated

    it means showing freedom from social conventions or traditional ideas
  • Kristallnacht

    The Kristallnacht was the first killing of jews and it started in the ghetto
  • gernamy invades poland

    gernamy invades poland
    there was 3 million jews in its population
  • jews in ghettos

    Nazis begin rounding up millions of jews and confining then go ghettos (horrable place to be in)
  • euthanasia program

    It means to kill something on purpose to make them out of there misery. Killing that is unworthy of life because of physical abilities or mental abilities.
  • started testing zyklon B

    started testing zyklon B
    it is a gas that is solid and it reacts with air and is very deadly.
  • wannse conference

    nazi leaders approve the final solution or plan to exterminate the jews
  • Period: to


    mobile killing squads or action commandos As the army advances into the soviet union, these groups would round up jews from their homes and took them out and killed them with bullets and guns. areas and The largest mass killing by Einsatzgruppen or record were at Babi yar in Ukraine. 33,000 people were killed in just under 2 days
  • Franks go into hiding

    Franks go into hiding
    They went into hiding with the Van Daans
  • Dussel went hiding

    Dussel went hiding
    Mr. Van Daan didn't want him to join the annex
  • started using zyklon B

    started using zyklon B
    it is a gas that is solid and it reacts with air and is very deadly.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    smuggled weapons in lasted for about a month and SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended
  • Period: to

    Camp Rebellions

    Prisoners fought back at deathe camps
  • Period: to

    death march

    allies advance to death camps. Nazis evacuate prisoners, march them into Germany to avoid capture. Brutal treatment and harsh conditions along the way.
  • liberation of Concentration camps

    liberation means to free people and they were freed from the concentration camps
  • FREE AT LAST!!!!!!!

    camps throughout Europe are liberated by Allieance forces
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    he died and he would rather die than face the soviet red army
  • war over

    war over
    the war ended and Hitler's honeymoon was lit!!!!!!!
  • Anne dies

    she got separated from all the other people and she was happy at the concentration camps but then she got sick and she died a month away from being saved
  • Mr. frank find Diary

    Mr. frank find Diary
    He wanted to burn everything but then he saw Anne's diary and he kept it and he published it.
  • Period: to

    what now?

    The Nuremberg Trials. Everyone put a number of Germans on trial for War Crimes, Crimes against peace and crimes against humanity
  • Period: to

    what happened to the survivors?

    displaced person camps areas for former prisoners to stay while searching for family and a permanent place to live
  • secret Annex was found

    secret Annex was found
    everyone thought that the were people to help but it was the nazis and the thief told the green police that they were there