Holocaust Timeline

By 79Artzy
  • Hitler's Final Solution

    Hitler's Final Solution
    The Nazis had concentrated on silence ing their political opponents, communists, socialists liberals and anyone that spoke out against the government. Once the Germans had gotten rid of all of their enemies they started on other groups of Germany. Thy also attacked these jewish groups, Gypsies, Freemasons, and Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • The Persecution Begins

    The Persecution Begins
    After Hitler took power in Germany, he ordered all non Aryans to be removed from government jobs.This first order of business is hat lead to the Holocaust, which was a systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, more than half of them were Jews.
  • Jews Targeted

    Jews Targeted
    The Nuremberg Laws stripped the Jews of their citizenship, jobs, and property. To make it easier for the Nazis to identify the Jews they had to where a bright yellow star of david attached to their clothing. But this wasn't the worst.
  • Kristallnacht

    November 9 and 10 1938
    The Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues across Germany. There was an American tha witnessed he violence wo wrote Jewish shop windows by the hundreds systematically shattered plate glass. 100 Jews were killed hundreds more were injured. 30,000 jaws were arrested of synagogues were burned. The Nazis blamed the Jews for all of the destruction done.
  • The Plight of the St. Louis

     The Plight of the St. Louis
    The German ocrean ship passed through by Miami in 1939.740 of the 943 passengers of th ship had U.S. immigration papers, sot he Cost guard fallowed so tha none of the people would find a way into America. That forced the ship to return back to Europe.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Hitler's final solution rested on the belief that Aryans were a superior people and that the strength and purity of this "master race" must be preserved
  • Death camps

    Death camps
    As deadly overworked, starvation, beatings, and bullets didn't kill fast enough to satisfy the Nazis.The Germans had built 6 death camps in Poland.The first, Chelmno, began operating in 1941 before the meting at Wannsee. Each camp had gas chambers in which as many as 12,00 people could be killed in a day. The people that didn't want to die the told them to take off their clothes for a shower in a little room beside the gas chambers.
  • The Final Stage

    The Final Stage
    When the prisoners arrived at the largest death camp which was Auschwitz. They were paraded by many SS doctors. With a wave of the hand, the doctors separated those who would die that day. Bot groups were told to leave all their belongings behind, with a promise that they would return later. The people destined to die were lead to room and told they were going to be talking a shower and given a bar of soap and told to take off their clothes. Then they would be lead into the gas chamber.