Holocaust Timeline

  • Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor

    Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor
    Hitler and the Nazis were granted power after many electoral votes, He ruled until his death in 1945.
  • Nazis boycott Jewish shops and businesses

    Nazis boycott Jewish shops and businesses
    Was a act of revenge for the bad international press against Germany since Hitlers rise to power in January.
  • "Nuremberg Laws" is put into place

    "Nuremberg Laws" is put into place
    Jews were no longer counted as German citizens, could not marry Germans, and could not fly the German flag.
  • Buchenwald concentration camps open

    Buchenwald concentration camps open
    The Buchenwald concentration camps were for male prisoners in east-central Germany.
  • Kristallnacht

    Anti-Jewish pogrom in Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland, 200 synagogues destroyed, 7,500 Jewish shops looted, 30,000 male Jews were sent to concentration camps.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Nazis and Germany invaded Poland. Causing the start of World War 2 in Europe. The Germans broke through defenses along the border and they advanced the Polish capital.
  • Germans turned against their allies

    Germans turned against their allies
    Germany turned on their allies the Soviet Union. The Germans carried out mass shootings on soviet lands. They launched a surprise attack on the Soviets.
  • Germans Surrender

    Germans Surrender
    German and the Hungarian troops surrender, and Soviet troops accept the Germans surrendering, The Soviet Union then forces the rest of the Germans out of Western Hungary.