Holocaust timeline

  • Adolf hitler

    Adolf hitler
    Jan 30,1933
    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany. Because he demanded the right to become it.
  • Dachau

    Mar 23, 1933
    Dachau concentration camp opens. Its first prisoners are political opponents.
  • Boycotting the jews

    Boycotting the jews
    Apr 1, 1933
    A nation-wide boycott of Jewish businesses is ordered by the Nazi party. Nazi guards stand in front of Jewish-owned stores and discourage people from shopping there. People shopping at these stores were threatened and physically attacked.
  • Overcrowding in German schools and universities

    Overcrowding in German schools and universities
    Apr 25, 1933
    The law against "overcrowding in German schools and univeristies" is adopted, restricting the number of Jewish children allowed to attend. Children of war veterns and those with one non-Jewish parent are exempt at first.
  • Book burning

    Book burning
    May 10, 1933
    The Nazis declare that any books they disapprove of should be banned. They burn tens of thousands of books in huge bonfires. This includes many popular children's books, since the author was Jewish.
  • Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases

    Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases
    Jul 14, 1933
    Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases is adopted. As a result, German doctors sterilize many disabled adults and children, and also Jewish, Gypsy and Afro-German children.
  • Jehovah's witnesses

    Jehovah's witnesses
    Apr 9, 1935
    Jehovah's Witnesses are banned from all civil servic jobs.
  • No jews

    No jews
    May 6, 1935
    "No Jews" signs and notices are posted outside German towns and villages, and outside shops and restruants.
  • Schools

    Period: May 6, 1933 to May 6, 1935
    In German schools it is officially taught that "non-Aryans" are racially inferior. Jewish children are prohibited from participating in "Aryan" sport clubs, school orchestras, and other extracurricular activities. Jewish children are banned from playgrounds, swimming pools, and parks in many German cities and towns.
  • School

    Period: May 6, 1933 to May 6, 1935
    In German schools it is officially taught that "non-Aryans" are racially inferior. Jewish children are prohibited from participating in "Aryan" sport clubs, school orchestras, and other extracurricular activities. Jewish children are banned from playgrounds, swimming pools, and parks in many German cities and towns.
  • Prohibited from serving

    Prohibited from serving
    May 21, 1935
    Jews are prohibited from serving in the German Armed forces.
  • Nuremburg laws

    Nuremburg laws
    Sep 15, 1935
    The Nuremburg Laws: laws proclaimed at Nuremburg stripped German Jews of their citizenship even though they retained limited rights.
  • The Ministry of Science and Education

    The Ministry of Science and Education
    Oct 15, 1936
    The Ministry of Science and Education prohibits the teaching by "non-Aryans" in public schoos and bans private instruction by Jewish teachers.
  • Further restrictions

    Further restrictions
    Jul 2, 1937
    Further restrictions are imposed on the number of Jewish students attending German schools.
  • Buchenwald

    Jul 16, 1937
    Buchenwald concentration camp is opened.
  • The Ostmark

    The Ostmark
    Mar 11, 1938
    Germany occupies and incorporates Austria as a German province called the Ostmark
  • Criminally asocial

    Criminally asocial
    May 13, 1938
    The German government passes a degree requiring the registration of all Gypsies without a fixed address living in the Ostmark; by June 1938, all Gypsy children above the age of 14 have to be fingerprinted. This is a central part of the growing racial definition of Gypsies as "Criminally asocial."
  • Questionnaires

    May 17, 1938
    Special questionnaires for the registration of Jews and Mischlinge (people of part Jewish-origin) are used for the national census.
  • Gypsies

    Jun 12, 1938
    The Germans launch the first major wave of arrests of German and Austrian Gypsies, including all Gypsy teenagers (14 and older). They are sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, and Mauthausen. Females above age 14 are sent to Litchenburg and its successor concentration camp at Ravensbruck.
  • No more bleaches

    No more bleaches
    Jul 11, 1938
    Jews are prohibited from going to German spas and vacationing at German beaches.
  • Jewish I.D. cards

    Jewish I.D. cards
    Jul 23, 1938
    A decree is issued that Jews older than the age of 15 must carry, at all times, identity cards that mark them as Jews.
  • Israel and Sara

    Israel and Sara
    Aug 17, 1938
    A decree makes it mandatory for Jews to insert the middle names of "Israel" and "Sara" into all official documents.
  • Munich conference

    Munich conference
    Sep 29, 1938
    Munich Conference: World powers allow Germany to annex Czechoslovakia.
  • The red "J"

    The red "J"
    Oct 5, 1938
    Jewish passports must be stamped with a red "J" at the request of the Swiss government.
  • The Night of Broken glass

    The Night of Broken glass
    Nov 9, 1938
    Kristallnacht: organized nation-wide anti-Jewish riots result in the burning of hundreds of synogogues, the looting and destruction of many Jewish homes, schools, and community offices, vandalism, and the looting of 7,500 Jewish stores. Many Jews are beaten and more than 90 killed. 30,000 Jewish men are arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps. Severa thousand Jewish women are arrested and sent to local jails.
  • No public schooling for the Jews

    No public schooling for the Jews
    Nov 15, 1938
    An official decree prohibits Jews from attending German public schools; thereafter, they can attend only seperate Jewish schools.
  • Must sell businesses

    Must sell businesses
    Dec 3, 1938
    Jews must sell their businesses and real estate and hand over their securities and jewelry to the government at artificially ow prices.
  • No drivers license

    No drivers license
    Dec 3, 1938
    Decrees ban Jews from public streets on certain days; Jews are forbidden driver's license and car registrations.
  • No more universitys

    No more universitys
    Dec 8, 1938
    Jews may no longer attend universities as teachers and/or students.
  • Loses all legal protection as renters

    Loses all legal protection as renters
    Apr 30, 1939
    Loses all legal protection as renters
    German Jews lose all legal protection as renters; many are expelled and forced to move to smaer residences in less desirable neighborhoods.
  • Gypsy Arrests

    Gypsy Arrests
    Jun 5, 1939
    2,000 Gypsy males above the age of 16 are arrested in Burgenland province (formerly Austria) and sent to Dacau and Buchenwald concentration camps; 1,000 Gypsy girls and women above the age of 15 are arrested and sent to the Ravensbruck concentration camp.
  • WWll

    Sep 1, 1939
    Germany invades Poland; World War II begins. German and Austrian Jews are subjected to a night curfew and restrited shopping hours in stores during the day.
  • More restrictive rations

    More restrictive rations
    Sep 23, 1939
    More restrictive rations
    Jews are forced to turn in raidios, cameras, and other electric objects to the police. Jews recieve more restrictive ration coupons than other Germans. They do not recieve oupons for meat, milk, ect. Jews aso recieve fewer and more limited clothing ration cards than other Germans.
  • The Star of David

    The Star of David
    Nov 23, 1939
    Germans force Jews in Poland to wear a yellow star of David on their chest or a blue-and-white star of David arm band.
  • Conquereres

    Apr 7, 1940 to Jun 7, 1940
    Germany conquers Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France.
  • Lodz Ghetto

    Lodz Ghetto
    May 7, 1940
    Approximently 154,000 Polish Jews are concentrated and imprisoned in the Lodz ghetto which established and sealed off from the outside world.
  • Auschwitz

    May 20, 1940
    A concentration camp is established in Auschwitz, Poland
  • No more calls

    No more calls
    Jul 29, 1940
    German Jews are denied telephones.
  • Chelmno

    Jan 16, 1942
    Deportation of Jews from the Lodz ghetto to the killing center at Chelmno begins.
  • Invading Greece and Yugoslavia

    Invading Greece and Yugoslavia
    Apr 6, 1941
    Germany, joined by Itay and Bulgaria, invades Yugoslavia and Greece.
  • Jude

    Sep 1, 1941
    German Jews above the age of 6 are forced to wear a Yellow Star of David sewed on the left side of the chest with the "Jude" printed on it in black.
  • Birkenau

    Oct 7, 1941
    Construction begins on an addition to the Auschwitz camp, known as Birkenau. Birkenau includes a killing center, which begins operations early 1942.
  • Deportation begins

    Deportation begins
    Oct 14, 1941
    Deportation of German Jews to Poland begins, including the first transports to the Lodz ghetto.
  • Gypsies going to lodz ghetto

    Gypsies going to lodz ghetto
    Nov 9, 1941
    Five thousand Gypsies are deportated from labor and internment camps to the Lodz ghetto.
  • U.S declared war on Germany

    U.S declared war on Germany
    Dec 8, 1941
    U.S. declares war on Germany
    First killing center (Chelmno) begins operation; the U.S. declares war on Germany. First gassing of victims in mobile gas vans
  • Wannsee conference

    Wannsee conference
    Jan 20, 1942
    Wannsee Conferense: senior German government officials discuss the details of their plan to carry out the "Final Solution" to kill all JEws in Europe.
  • The "evacution"

    The "evacution"
    Feb 7, 1942 to Mar 7, 1942
    The "evacuation" of the major Jewish ghettos in the Genera Government in Poland begins. This marks the launching of the systematic.
  • 10,000 jews

    10,000 jews
    May 9, 1942
    Approximately 10,000 Jews, who had arrived in the Lodz ghetto some six months earlier from Germany, Luxemburg, Vienna, and Prague, are deported to Chelmno. Before they board the trains, their baggage is confiscated.
  • Schools out!

    Schools out!
    Jun 7, 1942
    All Jewish schools in Germany are closed by the government.
  • The Eldrely and Children are transported to the death camps

    The Eldrely and Children are transported to the death camps
    Sep 9, 1942
    Approximately 15,000 Jews in the Lodz ghetto are deported to Chelmno, mostly children inder 10 and individuals that are 65, but it also includes others who are too weak or ill too work.
  • Gypsies deported

    Gypsies deported
    Mar 1, 1943
    All Gypsies in Germany, with a few exceptions, are arrested and deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
  • All gypsies deported

    All gypsies deported
    Mar 7, 1943
    All Gypsies in Nazi-occupied countries are deported to Auschwitz- BIrkenau.
  • Heinrich Himler

    Heinrich Himler
    Jun 9, 1943
    Heinrich Himler orders the liquidation (destruction) of all ghettos in Poland and the USSR.
  • Strike! Strike! Strike!

    Strike! Strike! Strike!
    May 6, 1944
    A hunger strike spreads in the Lodz ghetto and continues for several days.
  • 7,196 jews

    7,196 jews
    Jun 26, 1944
    7,196 Jews are deported from the Lodz ghetto to Chelmno, where they are killed.
  • Liberation at Majdanek

    Liberation at Majdanek
    Jul 24, 1944
    Advancing Soviet troops liberate the killing center at Majdanek.
  • Auschwitz-Birkenau is liquidated

    Auschwitz-Birkenau is liquidated
    Aug 2, 1944
    The Gypsy-family camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau is liquidated, and its inhabitants are killed.
  • Soviet advance into poland

    Soviet advance into poland
    Aug 14, 1944
    Remaining Lodz ghetto Jews are deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau as Soviet Troops continue theis advance into Poland.
  • Forced labor

    Forced labor
    Oct 7, 1944
    The Nazis deport some prisoners from Auschwitz westward to be used in German camps and factories for forced labor.
  • Rebellion

    Oct 7, 1944
    Members of the Sonderkommando (camp prisoners forced to burn corpses) stage a rebellion at Auschwitz-Birkenau. They succeed in blowing up a gas chamber and crematoria.
  • The Soviets are 10 days away

    The Soviets are 10 days away
    Jan 17, 1945
    The Soviets are 10 days away
    With the Soviet army only 10 days away, remaining camp inmates are evacuated from Auschwitz; "death march" to concentration camps inside of Germany begins.
  • Birkenau is liberated

    Birkenau is liberated
    Jan 27, 1945
    Soviet troops liberate the camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
  • Bunchenwald is liberated

    Bunchenwald is liberated
    Apr 11, 1945
    American troops liberate the camp at Buchenwald.
  • Bye Bye Hitler! And don't come back!

    Bye Bye Hitler! And don't come back!
    Apr 30, 1945
    Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
  • The end of WWII

    The end of WWII
    May 8, 1945
    The war and the Nazi regime ended.