
Holocaust - Elly

  • Vote for the Wrong Guy

    Vote for the Wrong Guy
    Adolf Hitler runs for President and his votes increase over the next few elections.
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust and World War II

  • Elections

    Elections for Parliament are held. Nazis take 230 seats.
  • Take Him Out of Office

    Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.
  • Burning Books

    Burning Books
    Over 20,000 books are burned because they do not have the "German spirit"
  • Left to Die

    Left to Die
    German Jews are no longer entitled to health insurance.
  • Uneccessary Leader

    Hitler declares himself Fuhrer und Reichskanzler, so all German military forces have to swear allegiance to him.
  • Descrimination

    Signs are posted all around Germany, saying, "Jews Not Welcome" and other phrases similar to this.
  • Unfair Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws are passed, taking all rights away from Jewish people. The Jews are then considered a race instead of a religion.
  • The Guards

    SS Deathshed devision is formed in order to gaurd concentration camps.
  • Olympics

    The Nazis hide any signs of dicrimination of Jews while the Olympics take place.
  • Stuck

    Nazis declare that the passports of Jews are invalid, so no German Jew is allowed to leave the country.
  • Bigger Problems

    Japan decides to team up with Germany in World War II, signing a pact.
  • Broken

    Kristallnacht, "The Night of Broken Glass", occurs. Nazis destroyed synagogues and religious artifacts, and then they rounded up Jews and sent them to concentration camps.
  • School is Over

    All Jews and other "non-Aryans" are expelled from German schools.
  • So It is War

    After invading other parts of Europe, the German army invades Poland, starting World War II.
  • Identification Please

    Identification Please
    Jews are forced to wear the Star of David as a form of identification.
  • Death Camp

    Death Camp
    The concentration camp in Auschwitz, Poland, is completed.
  • Now Closed

    The Warsaw Ghetto is sealed of with 400,000 Jews.
  • Random Murders

    Random Murders
    Mobile killing squads fire on 34,000 Jews in Ukraine, killing nearly all of them.
  • The Big Guns

    Hitler declares war on the United States for trying to aid the Jews and Europe. The U.S. decides to enter World War II and stop Hitler.
  • Mutated

    Himmler grants permission of sterilization experiments on Jews in Auschwitz. Later, he performs experiments on women in Birkenau.
  • Burned

    The amount of bodies in Auschwitz - over 107,000 - are burned in pits rather than being buried because burial space ran out. It was also ordered that previous burial pits be re-dug and the corpses be burned.
  • Do Something!

    Do Something!
    American Jews form a rally at Madison Square Garden and yell for the U.S. government to help the Jews in Europe.
  • Hide It All

    The death toll of Jews in Europe reaches over one million. Laborers are sent around the continent to dig up bodies and burn them in order to hide any evidence of murder.
  • Uncalled For

    Uncalled For
    Over 430,000 Jews are sent to Auschwitz and gassed.
  • Fail

    German Officers are caught in an attmept to assassinate Hitler.
  • Impossible Walk

    Impossible Walk
    Nazis empty Auschwitz and send Jews to Germany through "death marches".
  • Avoid Punishment

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide in a bunker in Berlin so he doesn't get caught by the Soviet army.