• Enabling Acts

    Enabling Acts
    After a building was burned down, and a supposed "communist" was seen, Hitler asked for sole power so he could fix it.
  • Adolf Hitler gets appointed Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler gets appointed Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler gets appointed Chancellor after losing the President Election
  • Boycott Signs

    Boycott Signs
    Boycott signs were posted on the windows and doors of Jewish businesses, however they were taken down within 24 hours. April Fools?
  • Jews attempt to leave Vienna

    Jews attempt to leave Vienna
    Jews were attempting to leave the country of Austria.
  • Kristallnacht

    Jewish synagogues, shops, and businesses were destroyed or damaged
  • St. Louis

    St. Louis
    St. Louis, carrying 937 passengers, left for Cuba. They got rejected by Cuba and the U.S. as well
  • Sealed Ghetto

    Sealed Ghetto
    The Warsaw Ghetto was closed off.
  • Nazi Surrender

    Nazi Surrender
    The Nazi Party Surrenders