
  • Siliencing of Political Opponents

    Siliencing of Political Opponents
    once taking power in 1933 that Nazis had concentrated on siliencing their political opponents such as communists, socialists,liberals, and anyone else who spoke out against the government
  • Persecution Begins

    Persecution Begins
    Shortly after Hitler took power in Germany he ordered all "non aryans" to be removed from goverment jobs. This order was one of the first moves in the campaign for racial purity that eventualy led to the Holocaust.
  • Jews stripped of Citizenship

    Jews stripped of Citizenship
    The Nuremberg laws stripped jews of German citizenship, jobs, and property. To make it easier for Nazis to identify them, Jews had to wear a brright yellow Star of David attached to their clothing.
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes , buisnesses, and synagogues across Germany.
  • St. Louis

    St. Louis
    The U.S didnt allow the St. Louis, a cruise ship filled with 943 jews, to land and unboard. Later, more than half the passangers would perish.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    A policy of genocide, the deliborite and systematic killing of an entire population. Hitler wanted rid of jews, gypsies, freemasons, Jehovahs Witnesses, aswell as people he thought were unfit like homosexuals, mentally deficient, mentall ill, physically disabled, and incurably ill. He did so with the use of ghettos, concentration camps, and the S.S.
  • Death Camps

    Death Camps
    The Chelmo and Auschwitz death camps begaoperating in 1941 before the meeting at Wansee. Each camp had several large chambers in which 12,000 peope could be killed a day.