Holocaust 1


  • Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor

    Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor
    Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg
  • "Enimies of the State"

    "Enimies of the State"
    Enimies of the Sate included Jewish, Roma (Gypsies), people with mental and physical disabilities, homosexuals, Soviet prisoners of war and political dissident. They were all sent to concentratin camps where they tortured and forced to work.
  • FIrst Concentration camp

    FIrst Concentration camp
    The Dachau concentration camp was opened outside Munich
  • Nazis ban Jews from being in the military

    Nazis ban Jews from being in the military
    Jewish men were no longer allowed to be in the German military
  • The Nuremberg Race Laws

    The Nuremberg Race Laws
    During a party rally Hitler announced the new laws. They prevented German Jews from a citizenship and stated that they would not marry or have a relationship with anyone that is a German. They also deprived the Jewish from most political rights
  • "Night of Broken Glass"

    "Night of Broken Glass"
    The Night of Broken Glass is the night that the Nazis set fire to a synagogue. That is when anti-Jewish violence spread across Germany
  • Jew are banned from being outside at night

    Jew are banned from being outside at night
    In summers they must be inside by 9 PM and in winter 8 PM
  • Nazis in Paris

    Nazis in Paris
    The Nazis occupy Paris
  • Jews in Paris

    Jews in Paris
    The Nazis arrest 3,600 Jews in Paris
  • Zyklon-B gas

    Zyklon-B gas
    The first use of Zyklon-B gas was used on the Jews
  • Nazi Germany and the United States

    Nazi Germany and the United States
    Nazi Germany declares war on the United States
  • Nazis and Jews

    Nazis and Jews
    In the year 1942 alone aproximately 818,000 Jews were sent to killing centers and killed.
  • Rescue of the Danish Jews

    Rescue of the Danish Jews
    Adolf Hitler ordered Danish Jews to be arrested and deported, but then there was a Danish resistance movement and many Danish citizens helped evacuate almost all the Jews and their spouses.
  • Liberation of Paris

    Liberation of Paris
    The liberation of Paris was a war in which Germany surrendered Pairs, France.
  • Soviets liberate Auschwitz

    Soviets liberate Auschwitz
    Soviet troops entered Auschwitz and freed the survivors
  • Liberation of the Dachau concentration camp

    Liberation of the Dachau concentration camp
    American forces liberated the Dachau concentration camp
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide
    Adolf Hitler commited suicide in his under ground bunker
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders to the western Allies
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders to the Soviets