
By 040756
  • WWI ends

    WWI ends
    World War I ended in 1918 with 37 million casualties, including 9 million dead.Germans hadn't prepared the nation for defeat, resulting in damage to German's national pride.
  • munich

    Adolf Hitler attempted to overthrow of local authorities in Munich, failed miserably. The Nazi Party seemed likey to fail and its leaders,including Hitler, was subsequently jailed and charged with high treason.
  • mein kampf

    Hitler started writing volume one of mein kampf which detailed his radical ideas of german nationalism and antisemitism this book then became the base of the nazi party
  • Great depression

    this caused unstable government that the weimar couldnt cope with and unemployment doubled from three thousand to six thousand and then it collapsed then the new government was a chancellor and a cabnit minsters
  • Reichstag fire

    on this day the Reichstag building was set on fire,The nazis believes it was The comuntists revolution
  • hitlers concentration

    Dachau was created therfore they started arresting communists and socialist and larbor leader. then Dachau was used to train the concentration guards
  • Night of the Long Knives

    The SA had been an important tool to hitles rise to power in the SA there were 2.5millon compared to the armies 100,000
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Hitler annouced the Nuremberg Laws these laws took away the jew civil rights which viewed jews as a seperate race from germans
  • Berlin games

    Berlin games
    hitler took this as an chance to present a positive image for nazism.monumentak stadiums were built and Leni Riefenstahl was forced to make a movie called olmpica for propaganda purposes
  • Period: to


    during this time the germans made 356 ghettos which jew would be sent to they usally werent sealled off unless they were in bigger cities which then they would be closed off. guards were placed at gate ways and other open boundries. some held up to 400,000
  • star of david

    star of david
    jews ten years of age or older hand to wear the star of david in some manner. this made the jew identification procces easier .more so when then had set up ghettos moving one person to another ghetto would be made simpilar by this
  • mobile squads

    mobile squads
    they were used to kill mas amounts of jew a squad had 500-900 people after the end of the use of these mobile sqauds they killed 1,500,000 Jews but the concentration camps were less emotion for the shooter
  • deportations

    jews from poland and further east from ghettos all around nazi occupied germany were taken to concentration camps were they would be removed from all the othe residents of germany.
  • first of the camps

    Chelmno was the first concentration camp made for the sole purpose of killing inocent people and with five others were constructed for the same reason was to wipe the jew out of europe
  • Final Solution

    Reinhard Heydrich presents the final solution in this conference the plane the death of 11 million jews in europe they would use the latest technology for a sole purpose of extermintaing the jews
  • warsaw ghetto revolt

    a group of determined ghetto dwellers battled for a month using weapons smuggled in to the ghetto the nazis responed with tanks and machine guns resulting in the death of 60,000
  • camps closed

    The death camps were closed after the deaths of millions of jews some camps killed hundreds of thousands such as Treblinka which took its shares of deaths at 750,000 Jews Auschwitz also had killed plenty 1 million jew 1 million no jew for a total of 2 million deaths
  • israel

    untied nations adopteded a plan that turned palestine in to a jewish and a arab states with Jerusalem under international control.