Hitler's Regime

  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becoming a chancellor is the beginning of him taking control of Germany and the start of his power. Him taking control and wanting to keep getting a higher status represented how he just went for it and didn't have an equal chance on getting it which is a liberal idea.
  • First concentration camp established

    Opening up a concentration camp, establishes on how its not right and going against an individuals freedom and their right as a human being.
  • Books by jews and communists are burned publicly

    Burning the books that have written by Jews and communists because they detest them shows they don't value others rights for stating what they want, they don't care about anyone's rights and freedom except theirs.
  • Hitler takes control of Germany

    This is gonna impact people opposing Hilter and the Jews because this means Hitler will reject their values and freedom at no cost.
  • No Jews are allowed in Germany

    This rejects liberalism because the government a.k.a Hitler and the Nazi's are not protecting the Jews right nor civil rights.
  • Nuremberg Law

    This law goes against someone's individual and personal rights.
  • Olympic games no Jews posters are removed

    Removing the posters show how they government only tried to save their "face" but still not trying to not fix what's really going on
  • Night of Broken Glass

    The Night of Broken Glass when there was a massive attack on the Jews represented how the government didn't do anything to help or even stop the attack they kinda just left it and did not interfere.
  • Jews are forced to wear yellow stars of David

    Being a human being and having basic human rights this rejects their freedom by being label because of their religion and everyone else being treated equally except the Jews.
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    This event reverses all the rejection of liberalism because this is when Hitler stops being the head governement.