

  • Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party

    Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party
    Hitler was speaking to crowds convinving people to let him become a Nazi leader.
  • A new beginning

    A new beginning
    Hitler's new idea to take over the government is to follow the democratic rules to get elected. He thinks by following laws instead of going in by shooting them will be more efffective. It will take him longer though. At one of his speeaches he got carried away and started threatening against the democratic republic; Marxists; and the jews, so he got setback by getting a 2-year ban on public speaking. He just reorganized his troops
  • Hitler's book

    Hitler's book
    His book was named Mein Kampf, it was basically all his ideas about taking over Germany, his view of politics and race. He is very against Jews, in his book he describes them by only using strong hateful words. He thinks their the enemies of the Aryans. The Aryans are blondes with blue eyes and fair skin, he says they're culturally superiors. This book was telling people what he planned to do in the future.
  • Great Depression begins

    Great Depression begins
    The stock market collapsed and Hitler knew this was his chance since everyone was desperate for a solution. Everyone was in misery and poor. They needed an out and Hitler was promising and campaigning so they listened to him in their desperate times.
  • Germans Elect Nazis

    Germans Elect Nazis
    On election day September 14, 1930, the Nazis received 6,371,000 votes and were entitled to 107 seats in the German Reichstag. It was a stunning victory for Hitler. Overnight, the Nazi Party went from the smallest to the second largest political party in Germany.
  • Hitler runs for President

    Hitler runs for President
    October of 1931 marked the beginning of the political intrigue that would destroy the young republic and ultimately make Hitler Führer of Germany.
  • Hitler named Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler named Chancellor of Germany
    Now, the man who had spent his entire political career denouncing and attempting to destroy the Republic, was its leader. Around noon on January 30th, Hitler was sworn in.
  • The Enabaling Act (Hitler Becomes Dictator)

    The Enabaling Act (Hitler Becomes Dictator)
    The vote was taken – 441 for, and only 84, the Social Democrats, against. The Nazis leapt to their feet clapping, stamping and shouting, then broke into the Nazi anthem, the Hörst Wessel song.
  • A BEAST Is Born.