History Test Timeline

  • George Washington is Inagurated as President

  • French Revolution Starts

    Americans are pressured
    - Don't want to get involved in war
  • Hamilton Creates Bank of US

    • Gov't deposits taxes in US bank
    • US bank then issues paper currency based on total $$
    • Paper currency allows loans to farmers & businesses
  • Jay's Treaty

    • A treaty that was designed to keep america from going to war with britain.
    • we had to pay back debt to britian and britain would stop taking our stuff.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    • Tax on liquor
    • Farmers refused to tax liquor
    • create rebellion- tar and feather US tax collector
  • George Washington's farewell adress

    US should avoid permanent alliances that could drag the country into war.
  • Election of 1796

    President was a federalist and vice president was a democratic republican
  • XYZ Affair

    French asked US to give them $250,000 and $10 million
    - US refused
    - France is taking US ships\
    - Didn't go to war
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes president