History of WWI

  • Period: to

    triple alliance alliance

    The Triple Alliance, agreed to becaome alliances and help each other out during the war. they became pals in the war. the agrrement was between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy,
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    looming trouble

    Russia declined Japan's offer in 1903 for each to recognise the other's interests in Manchuria and Korea, trouble was looming
  • The secret meeting

    The secret meeting
    Emperor William II or Wilhelm II, and his military advisers held a secret meeting in which they discussed the starting a war to protect Germany's interests. I dont know why they would want to do that but whatever, their choice.
  • Serbia in war

    Serbia in war
    Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This assasination upset many people including the USA.
  • Russia in war

    Russia in war
    Germany was tired of russias crap and decided that they werent gonna be push overs anymore. So Germany declared war on Russias butt! Not a smart idea but they did.
  • France in the war

    France in the war
    Germany got to confident and decided to declare war on france also. haha the jokes on them because they lost the war and france ended up laughing at them even tho they didnt do much but what evs.
  • swiper no swiping

    swiper no swiping
    germany takes Liège because they thought that it would help them win the war... but what they didnt know because they cant tell the future is that they are gonna lose they war and then have to pay a lot of money and then start another war and lose that one. they just need to stop starting wars.
  • power up

    power up
    The allied powers signed a oeice of paper saying that they were pals and that they would help each other out during the war if they needed help.
  • Period: to

    battle boyyyyyyy

    The battle of the Marne occured during this time period. i dont know much about this battle but its name sounds cool.... kinda like Maine... i wonder if ths were it was.
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    Defense of gaza (first and second battles)

    The british did not succeed in winning the battles and that led to Kress Von Kressinstien getting the Merit award and the removal of two officers.
  • pour le merite

    pour le merite
    Kress von kressenstein was awarded the Pour Le Merite award. A high standing military award meaning ‘the blue max’. He was given this award because he fought bravely and his actions ended in a sucsees towards the war.
  • replaced

    Kress Von Kressinstien replaced German Chief of Staff Erich Falkenhayn. Kressenstein was given command of the Turkish Eighth Army. He was happy because of that.
  • Defense of gaza (first and second battles)

    Defense of gaza (first and second battles)
    Kress Von Kressinstien succeeded in this battle. this sucsess led to the fall of jerusalem.
  • dead

    Kress Von Kressenstien died on october 16 1948 of old age. He was retired and had a family. He was a sucsessful veteran.