History of the Two-Party System in the Good Ol' U.S.A

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    Federalist V. Jeffersonians V. Their end all be all

  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    -Led by Alexander Hamilton, albeit secretly at first, the Federalists were the first political party of the United States. They supported the Constitution, and attempted to convince the States to ratify the document.
    - In the ratification debate, the Anti-Federalists opposed to the Constitution. They complained that the new system threatened liberties, and failed to protect individual rights.
  • Jeffersonian Wins!

    Jeffersonian Wins!
    Thomas Jefferson and running mate Aaron Burr ran for president on the Democratic-Republican ticket against John Adams and Thomas Pinckney of the Federalist Party.
  • The Death Of A Party

    The Death Of A Party
    Rufus King, a Federalist nominee, loses in the presidential election to James Monroe. Exactly 16 years and one day after the 1st of many federalist lost.
  • Andrew Jackson's Undeniable supreme run of the political landscape

    Andrew Jackson's Undeniable supreme run of the political landscape
    he 1824 presidential election marked the final collapse of the Republican-Federalist political framework. For the first time no candidate ran as a Federalist, while five significant candidates competed as Democratic-Republicans. Jackson won narrowly but the presidency was handed to Adam due to a corrupt deal
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    The Era of the Common Folk and The Legend Himself Daddy Jack

    Democrats beginning and more
  • Depression of 1937

    Depression of 1937
    After the market crash of the early 1830's the US hit a huge slump, a depression in fact which was all directly resulted from Daddy Jackson's Authoritarian grip on the federal system, this resulted in the whig party becoming familiar
  • Whig Party

    Whig Party
    The Whig Party was a reaction to the authoritarian policies of Andrew Jackson.
  • Oh Snap! Another Party's Tragic End

    Oh Snap! Another Party's Tragic End
    The party broke up as a result of conflict over the issue of slavery.
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    Civil War, Country Torn, And more


    Abraham Lincoln is elected to the presidency as a member of the Republican party and as an opponent of slavery in the states. This also realigned the political landscape shifting to a new world of republicans
  • 1893 Panic

    1893 Panic
    Throughout much of the rebuilding period after the civil war, large mass of democrats would go in droves to take over southern governments, while also being elected for president. however throughout the 70's all the way up to the 93 panic. America was hit with constant recessions and economic turmoil that would take the democrats out of favor
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    New Deal and WW2

  • FDR Election and Fixing of the great depression

    FDR Election and Fixing of the great depression
    the Democrats elect Franklin D. Roosevelt and bring in New Deal policies to deal with the depression. FDR continues to run for office and is elected four times during the Depression, creating a dynasty under the New Deal coalition.
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    Republican Dynasty, political parties shifts and more

    Eisenhower elected, Nixon, Ronald Reagan, the southern alignment where democrats ideals became republicans ideals and vice versa. This was a time period were republicans dominated D.C. Executive Branch up until George bush
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    Split Party

    For much of the modern are there has been no dominate party between the Republicans and Democrats. Ideals seem to change and be fluid throughout the modern era with war being a constant threat and an even larger threat being climate change