
History of the Tavel and Tourism

  • First Holiday Campsite

    First Holiday Campsite
    The first camp site was in Skegness in 1936 with there aim was to bring all the family from the UK alone and maske them happy. To achieve this they need to provide entertainment and activites for both parents and adults. The main aim was aswell as making the people happy they need to make sure they now all the rules towards health and safety around the pool or whiles doing the activities
  • International Air Transport Association 1945 (IATA)

    International Air Transport Association 1945 (IATA)
    IATA is an international trade body representing the intresting of more than 80% of the world's major Airlines.Its aim is promote safe, regular and economic air travel.its common with agents world wide.The affect it has had in the industry was provides the only worldwide transportation system which makes it essential for global business and tourism.
  • Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO)

    Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO)
    This website was created for people to find out recent information from countrys all around the world, for exmaple the recent controversy in Syria, thsi website gives tyou information of why not to go to that specific place or why you should. As the internet was invented in the 1950's we see that the FCO wasn't invesnted of the internet as it was first took to place in 1945, so people had to find information via a TV if people had them, or even asking people who work in the community of travel.
  • First package holiday

    First package holiday
    The first package holiday was introduced in 1949 taking 32 passegers going to Corsica on a aeroplaine.He changed £32.50 per person and this induded accommodation in a tent,return fligjhts, tranfer for the airport and full board with induded breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    ISBN 987-1-846907-27-2 BTEC Level 3 Travel & Tourism Book 1, BTEC National Gillian Dale. Unit package holidays section 3
  • First Package Holiday

    First Package Holiday
    The first package holiday was introduced in 1949 taking 32 passengers going to Corsica on a DC3 aeroplane. He charged £32.50 per person and this included accommodation in a tent, return flights, transfer for the airport and full board with included breakfast, lunch and dinner. Source ISBN 987-1-846907-27-2 BTEC Level 3 Travel & Tourism Book 1, BTEC National Gillian Dale. Under Package Holidays in section 3.
  • Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA)

    Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA)
    UK's leading travel association.Purpose is to help Members to grow their businesses successfully and sustainably, and to help their customers – the travelling public – have confidence in their travel experience.The ABTA brand stands for expertise, reliability and fairness, and our level of brand recognition and trust among consumers is the highest of any travel trade association.The affect it has had in the industry was its building confidence that the industry is building a sustainable future.
  • Code of Conduct

    Code of Conduct
    Devloped in 1950, in 1955 it was emerged with IATA.To govern the relationship between members and their customers.If something was to wrong the company would have to fill out a form.The affect it has had in the industry was it provides customers with:
    High Standard Service
    Fair terms of trading
    Accurate information
    Guaranteed complaint handling.
  • Air Travel Organisers Lisence (ATOL)

    Air Travel Organisers Lisence (ATOL)
    ATOL can protect package holidays, flights and car hire.Protects you from loosing your money
  • The first long haul flight crash (Comet Airline)

    This plane was one of the first long haul flight to attempt to fly to England, this came from Singapore which stopped on the way at Italy, this plane was BOAC Flight 781 that took 29 passengers, that should of landed in the destination of Heathrow Airport in London. The plane suffered with an explosion over the Mediterranean because of Metal failure in the air which made everyone die on board.
  • Growth in Resorts accommodations

    Growth in Resorts accommodations
    Since the start of the 60's and through out resorts throughout Europe are finding ways that they can promote this destination. There was mainy thoughts and then there was one that was a decided, this was to make accommodations more reliable. They decided to build more high rise building to accompany more customers, these was mainly in the Mediterranean which had popular resort. The goverments now are finding was to increase income again however this is taking place for countryside resorts (UK).
  • The 1960's alter (Leisure time, Travel)

    The 1960's alter (Leisure time, Travel)
    Since the 1960's onwards jobs have made sure that people who work their has a week or 2 off for a vacation or to relax, since jobs have introduced this we have seen a rapid in climb in 2 weeks holiday whether they're long haul or just going to spain. Massive companys like Tesco or Asda are making people part time for people with big familys to make sure they have more times to take them on holiday or even to look after them and with laptops coming out in the 1900's we've seen (home working) more
  • Employmee Developement

    Employmee Developement
    To make sure that all new collegues working nowadays we ensure that they are well trained and if for some reason they dont consume they get addictional help, in the year 1965 when the law wasnt took to place, they didnt get trained meaning that they didnt have much customer service help or even know how to work anything. That is why from the law was enquired we now see people getting trained ad always have people to help wheher that is for working in a hotel as a reception to managering a firm
  • Trade Description Act

    Trade Description Act
    Act of parliament which prevents manufactures, retailers or service industry providers from misleading consumers as to what theyare spending their money on.This law punishes companies or individuales who make false claims about the products or service they sell.Ensure that products are sold as described with good quality and are fit for purpose as described.It effected the travel & tourism industry because if your holiday is not what you were led to believe, you are able to claim compensation.
  • Development of Tourism 1969

    Development of Tourism 1969
    This act was to co-organate all the organisation that make up the tourism sector and provide it.Since the act from 1969 was introduced, the devlopment of Scotland and wales have been awarded the power to idenpendently amke there own version of a 'visit' website in the last year.
  • Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)

    Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
    An international business in the public sector.
    Responsibilities Include
    -The safety and management of air space
    -Economic Regulations
    -Enforcement of consumer protection rules.
    -Enforcement of Regs and Requirement( for example, Transport dangerous objects and objects by air).
    CAA is also linked to AHU= Aviation Helath unit
    Also associated with
    ASSI= Air safety support international
    DFT= Department for transport
    AST=Air Safety intiative
    AAIB= Air AccidentsInvestigation Beanch
  • Health and Safety Act

    Health and Safety Act
    Health and safety is an act to make further provision for securing the health, safety and welfare of persons at work.It is protecting others against risks to health or safety in connection with the activities of persons at persons at work.
  • Unfair contract term act

    Unfair contract term act
    It is an offence for a trader selling goods to use an exclusion clause which purports to restrict the right of consumers to goods which are as described and are of satisfactory quality. Nowadays they make sure if they do a advert they have to add the tax included and the suitcases... so that the customers have a better chance of getting the best deals without getting ripped off
  • Growth In Resorts Accommodations

    Since the start of the 60's and through out resorts throughout Europe are finding ways that they can promote this destination. There was mainy thoughts and then there was one that was a decided, this was to make accommodations more reliable. They decided to build more high rise building to accompany more customers, these was mainly in the Mediterranean which had popular resort. The goverments now are finding was to increase income again however this is taking place for countryside resorts (UK).
  • AITO {assoiation of independent tour operator)

    AITO {assoiation of independent tour operator)
    AITO provide 120 of Britain's best independent tour operators. These make sure they are well experienced when it comes to types of holiday and destinations to visit. Before we had AITO we found out that people who working in a travel firm didnt have experience which could relate customers going to a country that they dont know. AITO works with financial problems which was a massive issue before the act was introduced, as companys add anyone they didnt really have people who work with finances.
  • Dubai's changing population 1980's onwards

    Dubai has been growing in numbers for several reasons, from the buildings to the worlds largest shopping mall. In the 1980's the population was around 1.016 (Million) and was only common to though's who lived their, only since 1995 when the numbers increased rapidly to 2 (Million) on to 3, this was because of the expansion of buildings and a better reliable airport that had more inbound flights coming in. In 21 century we now see one of the busiest airports and a population growth to 7 million
  • UK's ageing population

    Since 1985 we have seen a growth of holiday makers that are over 45 this was because of the baby boomer in 1945 - 1965 to celebrate the winning of the world war II. If you look at the Uk ageing population graph we see that the bars are furtherest away from the middle that the rest this was common in the 40's to 50's. This also is involved in the (demographic transition model) which shows you where countries are in the population like africa is in 2 and the uk is in 4.
  • Digital cable TV (Sky Travel and Thomas Cook) 1990's

    Since the 1990 when the first cable TV box came out we have all new channels even now, Back in the 1990's the travel channel was massive, this was mainly for have a proper look via the TV from the presenter of what the place is like and what there is to do there. Since sky came out sky travel was one of the first as they knew with the other boxes that it was very popular, as viewers was actually buying them and typing the number to get a good goute for the next hopliday.
  • EU Package Holidays

    EU Package Holidays
    Understand the EU package travel regulations 1992
    EU Package Travel Regulations have had a profound effect on package holidays throughout the EU. All package holidays in the European Union are governed by the EU Package Travel Regulations, and 1992 saw the UK implement the regulations into their own law.Package Travel Regulations clearly define what can and cannot be considered a package holiday under EU law, as well as ensuring consumers know that they are getting exactly what they paid for.
  • Disability Discrimination Act

    Disability Discrimination Act
    The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 aims to end the discrimination that faces many people with disabilities. This Act has been significantly extended, including by the Disability Discrimination (NI) Order 2006 (DDO). It now gives people with disabilities rights in the areas of:employment
    access to goods, facilities and services, including larger private clubs and transport services
    buying or renting land or property, including making it easier for people with disabilities t
  • Employment Rights

    Employment Rights
    This protects against detriment suffered because of disciosing information for public benefit of:
    Whistle blowers
    Sexual harrasment
    Being bullied.
    If any of the above happened to you then you coll the number and tell them about it and you can be annoymus.Every employee has to have a contract, it confirms that you legally work there.Its a guid on the terms+ conditions + rights.
  • Data Protection Act

    Data Protection Act
    The original version of this law was introduced in the 1980s, to protect individuals against the growing use of their data in computer systems. It was updated and strengthened in 1998 – and more specific laws, to govern what could happen to your online data, were introduced in 2003.Companies and organisations that would like to process your data need to do two things. First of all, they should notify the Office of the Information Commissioner (a government body) that they are doing so. That way,
  • First Self Check In

    A self check in is where you check your self in if your late for the check in desk, or if you fancy cutting the queue. In 1999 we found the first flight company to introduce this (Alaska airline), then other companys that knew need to add them and ever since now nearly ever company and airport has them to save them from queuing. The down fall of these is now they have got increasingly popular we see that the queues for these are as worse as the check in desks them selfs
  • First UK high speed Railway

    On of the first High speed railway was opened in 2003 and was the first section of the line. This was opened in 2003 giving it easy access to other places around the UK and France. Building high speed railways has cut the cost of flying in total and cutting the train journey times from 3 hours to 2.30 hours. They had some negative reviews about building this railway and the more their building because they are destroying natural surroundings and are producing emissions from the trains
  • Trivigo first developed

    trivigo is a massive comparison site that engages customers to compare all the hotel websites and flights to find out what the best deals are. It first got introduced in 2006 in the UK, as in Europe we find that England airports send the most airlines and there is more holiday makers. Since the website was produced we have seen that over 75,000 members work for the company to make sure they have correct information and is not breaking the consumer protection act