history of technology

  • holes in cards

    these cards allow companies to store information and access the information through the card on the computer.
  • the analytical machine

    the inventor is charles babbage and he worked on it till 1871. This is a mechanical digital computer.

    Two men named John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert developed.

  • Altair

    the Altair 8800 was announced on the cover of Popular Electronics.
  • Apple

    They were incorporated as Apple computer. In January 9, 2007 “computer” was removed and how it’s just Apple.
  • CRAY-1

    The CRAY-1A serial number 3, was delivered to NCAR
  • the first spreadsheet

    first computer spreadsheet program.
  • Macintosh

    Macintosh is considered the first most successful computer to use a GUI.
  • Windows

    Microsoft was introduced to Windows
  • Abacus

    the Chinese abacus was developed about 5000 years ago. The inventor was Chinese in c3000 BC.
  • PC

    it was introduced in 1975. PC means a personal computer.