
History of Technology

  • Holes in Cards

    Holes in Cards
    A piece of stiff paper that contains digital information represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined positions.
  • The Analytical Machine

    The Analytical Machine
    A machine made by Charles Babbage that features many essential principles found in the modern digital computer; know as ‘the first computer pioneer.
  • PC

    Made by David Packard and Bill Hewlett; first product was the HP 200A Audio Oscillator, which was used to use sound effects for the 1940 Disney movie “Fantasia.”
  • Von Neumann Architecture

    Von Neumann Architecture
    Made by John von Neumann; the first computer architecture that has RAM (Random Access Memory) and CPU (Central processing unit).

    Developed by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert; an American military calculating machine that calculates artillery-firing tables, different weapons, and target accuracy.

    An electrical computer containing thousands of vacuum tubes that utilizes punch cards and switches for inputting data and punch cards for outputting and storing data.
  • High-level Programming Language

    High-level Programming Language
    A programming language with strong abstraction from the details of the computer. In comparison to low-level programming languages, it may use natural language elements, be easier to use, or be from the specifications of the program.
  • UNIX Operating System

    UNIX Operating System
    Made by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs; A multitasking, multi-user computer operating system.
  • Altair

    A microcomputer design based on the Intel 8080 CPU and sold by mail order through advertisements in Popular Electronics, Radio-Electronics and other hobbyist magazines.
  • Windows

    Made by Bill Gates and Paul Allen; A series of graphical interface operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.
  • CRAY-1

    Installed Alamos National Laboratory; A super computer designed, manufactured, and marketed by Cray Research.
  • First Electronic Spreadsheet

    First Electronic Spreadsheet
    VisiCalc was the first computer spreadsheet program running on an Apple II computer.
  • Macintosh

    A popular computer model made by Apple Computer. Features a graphical user interface (GUI) that utilizes windows, icons, and a mouse, making them relatively easy for novices to use the computer productively.
  • Apple

    An American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. This company was the creators of the Macintosh.