History of Speical Education

By smbarna
  • Speical Education Classes

    Rhode Island has the first special education class that was specifically for "mental defectives".
  • IQ Test

    Dr. Alfred Binet identifies slow or "retarded" kids using an IQ test
  • Special Education Class Enrollment Increasing

    Over 34,000 students enrolled in speical education classes.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt voted President

    FDR was voted to be the President of the United States of America and he had a disabiltiy.
  • Nixon Executive Order

    President Richard Nixon moves one-third of the 200,000 people in mental institutions out into residential placements.
  • Education of All Handicapped Children Act

    This Act helped children with disabilities receive a better education. It mandated that all children be able to receive a free and appropriate public education.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Passed

    This Act is the reauthorized version of the Education of all Handicapped Children Act. It further helped students in receiving a free and appropriate public education.
  • NCLB

    No Child Left Behind created. NCLB was created to close the achievement gap in America. It mandated that in order for a school to receive money, they want all students to pass a test showing they learned the basic knowledge of a course. The state sets the standards and determines if enough of the students are passing these standards.