History of Special Education

  • First school and Offering program

    First school and Offering program
    These programs were offered to students who had deafness, blindness, and mental retardation.
    Then during this time of 1940’s children were offered programs.These programs were only allowed for students who have brain injuries or minimal brain dysfunction. Although these types of programs were offered they were only given to those who were in private or residential institutions. A good Special education was rarely found or had difficulties accessing it.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    A law was passed saying that segregation in public schools was ending. This allows equal opportunities for African Americans to integrate into school with whites. Everyone should have an opportunity to have a proper education system regardless of their color or conditions. By excluding the students of color or disability this was creating discrimination
  • Elementary and secondary education act (ESEA)

    Elementary and secondary education act (ESEA)
    During the years of 1965 Congress put in place an act to which children underprivileged were provided the adequate resources. This was placed so children could have the right access to education. In the act as well they implemented the involvement of parents. In 1966, the Congress offered a grants program to help states expand and have the proper education for students who were handicap.
  • PARC VS Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    PARC VS Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    At the time Pennsylvania was able to deny the student public education if they didn't see the students as academically fit for a 5 year old. On January 7, 1971 the court signed an order exempting students with mental disabilities. This act granted the students with mental disabilities to have access to free education.
  • The Rehabilitation Act

    The Rehabilitation Act
    Rehabilitation act is a law, section 504 protects students with disabilities from being discriminated against in public school settings. This was the first major law that protected children. This law allows students with any type of disability to participate and have access to any programs or services. [(https://www.globaldisabilityrightsnow.org/law/usa/section-504-us-rehabilitation-act-1973])
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act is a very powerful law. This act ensures that all handicappled students have adequate services and provide them with the right screening and monitoring. Schools who receive federal funding must provide free educational services.
  • Board of Education School District v. Rowley

    Board of Education School District v. Rowley
    The law was created when a young girl who deaf, was denied a sign language interpreter. Her school did not give her the proper help, despite her parents asking the school. The school reported that she was achieving socially and academically. The school created an IEP ( Individualized Education Program). This law is to permit the child to benefit academically from the instructions given by teachers.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.The president at the time reauthorized IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). This law also gave parents more say with their disabled children.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    The No Child Left Behind Act allowed educational programs that are ran by the states. The law is a re-approved version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. In the 2002 law, the states order student to be test in reading and math 3-8 but as well as in high school.