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History of special education

  • American School for the Deaf

    American School for the Deaf
    First permanent school for deaf student in the United States was founded in West Hartford, Connecticut. This school provides the best comprehensive education for the hard of hearing student, PACES PROGRAM and ASD AUTISM. The school is still open and offers school grades from pre-School all the way to high school.https://www.asd-1817.org/about
  • Columbia Institution

    Columbia Institution
    First college for the deaf and dumb and blind that is it authorized by law to grant colleges degrees. This college was the first one to help students with disabilities to earn a college degree. Throughout the years the name for the school change.In 1865 corporate change the name to National deaf mute college, however, In 1894 the school once again was renamed to Gallaudet College in honor of Reverent Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet.
  • Beattie V. Board of Education

    Beattie V. Board of Education
    Merrit Beattie was student who had a normal academic progress while in public school however, Beattie had a condition where I was hard for him to speak, drooling problems and paralysis. The School decided to had him relocated because the teachers and students thought his condition was "nauseating". The Supreme Court ruled that the school was fine to exclude the child.
  • Vocational rehabilitation Act

    Vocational rehabilitation Act
    Also known as, Section 504 Act. The act helps people with disabilities to find employment, Independent living and education by approving federal aids for vocational services purposes to agencies that will assits them with these things by, making accommodations, alterations and effective communication. people with disabilities can also files a complaint under the section 504 if the agencies do not comply to make rights changes for them.
  • Educational Amendments Act (P.L. 93-380)

    Educational Amendments Act (P.L. 93-380)
    This Law protects families from having to pay skyrocket prices to provide education for disabled children. It also requires schools to have an education plan where it presents more options to the students' needs. Protects non-discriminating testing, screening, and evaluation of the child. If the child is needed to be referred to another school, district, or state the education department pays forward the expenses caused to the family.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    This Law holds accountable all public school that are receiving federal funds to supply students with physical and mental disabilities a free and equal education. This Act also protect the parents by having faculties include all parents and guardians of the student to come up with education plans that will benefit the student, The parents can also dispute any idea or decision made that they do not feel like its appropriate for their child.
  • Honig V. Doe

    Honig V. Doe
    John Doe was a students at Louise Lombard School, However, he had a condition where it was difficult for him to control his impulsive behaviors. After one of his classmates taunted John, he quickly responded by choking his classmate and breaking a glass door. The school suspended John with risk of impulsion. The U.S Court ruled that the school was violating the all handicapped children act and the "stay put" requirement.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Law that prohibits discrimination against people with mental and physical disabilities in all matter of public life. This law makes sure that all disable person gets the same opportunities for employment, government help and public accommodations in facilities, transportation and telecommunications.
  • Cedar Rapids v. Garret F.

    Cedar Rapids v. Garret F.
    Garret F. was a student at Cedar Rapids Community School, However, Garret had a physical condition that required him a wheelchair and ventilator. The school declined any responsibility of assisting Garret nor held themselves accountable to build a ramp for easy access. After, appearing and arguing that these needs of Garrets were too much cost for the school to the Supreme Court, The Court granted Garret wishes and held accountable the school for not providing to his needs.
  • No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

    No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
    This Act was later signed into law in 2002 by George Bush. This Act makes sure that states are thriving for better performance of disable students in school. This Act held accountable the education system of the disable students academic progress, learning and accommodations. The act provides federal grants to the school for education assistnce and while at that moment in time it wasn't obligated to comply with those agreements they were warn of being in risk of losing their federal grants.