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History of Special Education

  • Am. School for the Deaf

    Am. School for the Deaf
    The American School for the Deaf was the first school for children with disabilities in the Western Hemisphere. The school was founded in Hartford, Connecticut.
  • Beattie vs. Board of Education

    Beattie vs. Board of Education
    Special needs students were expelled from school for having facial abnormalities and for drooling. The students were mentally capable of being in a public school, but teachers and fellow students were bothered by their presence. They were kept separate from general education and confined to isolated classrooms due to their disabilities.
  • Council for Exceptional Children

    Council for Exceptional Children
    The Council for Exceptional Children was the first advocacy group formed for children with disabilities. This group is now one of the largest advocacy groups for special needs children. They work hard to ensure each child receives FAPE.
  • Brown vs. Board of Ed.

    Brown vs. Board of Ed.
    The court case that ruled "separate is not equal". Although this case is famous for bringing attention to black vs. white in the school system, this case brought attention to special education students vs. general education students. The case encouraged advocacy groups to form.
  • 1st Independent Living Center

    1st Independent Living Center
    The first center for independent living opens at UC Berkley by Ed Roberts. This center allowed individuals with disabilities to live independently from nursing homes.
  • Section 504

    Section 504
    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act allowed for children with special needs and disabilities to be protected from discrimination. This is the first law giving protection to children with special needs.
  • Least Restrictive Environment

    Least Restrictive Environment
    The Least Restrictive Environment Act (LRE) meant that a student with an IEP must be in general education classes as much as possible. This ensures that the student has social experiences.
  • Handicap Children's Protection Act

    Handicap Children's Protection Act
    This act gave families more of a say in their child's IEP.
  • IDEA

    The Individual's with Disabilities Education Act was signed by George W. Bush. There are 6 main pillars that the act consists of; FAPE, LRE, IEP, evaluation, parent/student participation, and all procedure safeguards for participants.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This act was also signed by President George W. Bush. It included title 1 provisions applying to disadvantaged students. It reauthorized the elementary and secondary student education act.