history of radio

By sp1225
  • James Clerk Maxwell

    In 1864, Maxwell predicted the existense of radio waves. This was later proved true by Heinrich Hertz.
  • Mahlon Loomis

    Mahlon Loomis invented wireless telegraphy. He was able to make a meter connected to a kite move one another.
  • Coherer

    The coherer was invented by Calzecchi Onesti. It is a form of detecters used in radio receivers
  • Hertz discoveres radio waves

    Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of radio waves. His transmitter was a spark gap across an inductio coil with an antenna.
  • First radio signal

    Marconi, an Itallian inventor, sent and received the 1st radio signal. It was sent across the Atlantic ocean despite that everyone thought the radio wave would be lost.
  • Audion tube

    Lee De Forest created the Audion Tube. It was believed that canadian inventor Reginald Fessenden came up with the idea.
  • First broadcast

    Fessenden plays a violin, sings, and reas bibles verses into a wireless telephone.
  • First public radio broadcast

    The first public radio broadcast was a performance of several opera singers. It was live in the Metropolitan Opera House.
  • WW I

    Wireless stations were shut down so the government could use the radio for defense purposes. The vaccum tube was improved for better communication.
  • KDKA

    Frank Conrad made the first regular radio broadcast. He is responsible for the first licensed broadcast station called KDKA
  • First commercial broadcast

    WEAF aired the first paid commercial. Because of this, stations began airing paid commericials to pay for their stations.
  • FRC

    Federal Radio Commissions. Formed in 1927, it organizeing lincensing of transmitters and assigning radio station frequencies.
  • First internet radio broadcast

    WXYC is the first internet radio broadcast. It broadcast 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
  • W1XOJ

    FCC gave a permit to W1XOJ in Boston in 1937. It is the first FM radio station
  • Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Telsa is the first person to patent radio technology. He overturned Maroni in 1943.