history of music, the ultimate timeline

  • 476

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    The event that starts the middle ages.
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Middle ages

    A period of theocentrism, kings, knights and princes but a period of plages and ignorance
  • 622

    The begin of islam

    The begin of islam
    Mahoma preach islam in la Meca. After his dead, most of Arabian peninsula was under his control.
  • Period: 700 to 1000

    Gregorian chant

    A christian monophonic chants that is sung in churches
  • Period: 800 to 814

    Carlomagno reign

    This frank king controlled all of western Europe, he builts universitys and create the identetity of European culture
  • Period: 900 to 1250


    Cultural and art period define by stone churches and castles
  • 1000

    Guido D'Arezzo named the musical notes

    Guido D'Arezzo named the musical notes
  • 1050

    The first modern university

    The first modern university
    The university of Bologna, actual Germany. It became a widely respected school of canon and civil law.
  • 1096

    First crusade

    First crusade
    Urbano II call together all the christian kingdoms to conquer Jerusalem. After some wars, they will finally be successful. However the muslims took it back in the 13th century
  • Period: 1250 to 1500


    This cultural art is define by the enormous cathedrals with colorful vitrals and urban palaces for the nobility.
  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    100 years war

    The french and the Britains fight due to the control of the Mancha canal. After 116 years the French won.
  • Period: 1350 to 1400


    The end of gothic art, the first renaissance elements appear
  • Period: 1400 to 1500


    First part of renaissance, it started in northern Italy. The main architects were Brunelleschi and Alberti; Ghiberti and Donatello stood out among the sculptors, and among the painters, Masaccio, Fra Angélico and Botticelli.
  • 1450

    The invention of imprent

    The invention of imprent
    Johann Gutenberg created a revolutionary but primitive printer for copying books and manuscripts.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    The otomans take the city after years of siege. This event set the end of the middle ages
  • Period: 1470 to 1510

    Reign of the catholic kings

    This reign sets the begin of Spain and the historical transicicion between the middle ages and the modern ages.
  • Oct 4, 1492

    The discover of America

    The discover of America
    Cristobal Colon arrived to the caribbean setting a new era, the modern ages.
  • Period: 1500 to


    The second part of renaissance, all over Europe this style is the principal. Rome became the artistic center. Leonardo da Vinci, Miguel Ángel and Rafael Sanzio belonged to this stage.
  • Period: 1548 to

    Tomas Luis de Victoria

    This famous author was ahead of his time with his religious vocal polyphony compositions.
  • 1560

    Finalization of Saint Lawrence Escorial

    Finalization of Saint Lawrence Escorial
    The most important palace of their age, it was the place where the royal family of Spain lives and rules their empire
  • The first Opera

    The first Opera
    This event sets the beginning of the baroque in music.
  • Period: to

    The baroque period

    This is the name for the cultural period that developed in Europe in the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century. It was characterised by a pessimistic view of life and the importance of feelings. In terms of politics and society, it was a crisis period in all ways. In Spain, it started with the reign of Felipe III and finished with the succession war.
  • Period: to

    Diego Velazquez

    He was a Spanish painter who leaded the baroque and the Spanish golden age. He painted such famous pictures as Las meninas and Las hilanderas.
  • Expulsion of the Moors

    Expulsion of the Moors
    This law created by Felipe III cause the exit of 300.000 person of Spain. MOstly of them were farmers, as a result a famine started and the 17th century crisis in Spain started
  • Period: to

    Thirty years war

    This conflict between catholics and protestants involved all european countries and resulted in the decision of who will be the most powerful empire.
  • Period: to

    Johann Sebastian Bach

    Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the late Baroque period. He is known for his orchestral music such as the Brandenburg Concertos and instrumental compositions such as the Cello Suites He is consider one the most important figure of the baroque.
  • Law of gravity

    Law of gravity
    Isaac Newton revolutionize the Physics field with this theory that uses a new method call the scientific method and demonstrates the evolution of science in the Baroque.
  • Period: to

    Pompeo Batoni

    A well-known italian painter of the neoclassicism. He paint pictures such as Venus and Cupid and the portrait of most of the royal families in Europe. Some of his pictures are in ''el Prado''
  • Four season of Vivaldi published

    Four season of Vivaldi published
    The Four Seasons is a group of four violin concertos by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, each of which gives musical expression to a season of the year.
  • Period: to


    Is where the age of enlightenment and the first industrial revolution take place. Also nationalist movements appear and there is a change between the old regime and the new regime.
  • Period: to

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Mozart was a Classicist composer who is considered one of the most influential composer in history. He wrote famous compositions such as the magic flute or the Figaro wedings.
  • India becomes a part of the British empire

    India becomes a part of the British empire
    It was their most important colony. they called her
    the jewel in the Crown for its size and wealth. This colony made the british the first superpower in the world.
  • Period: to

    American revolutionary war

    The American Revolutionary War also known as the Revolutionary wanted to achieve the independence of the thirteen colonies from Britain. The thirteen colonies were supported by France and Spain. It ended in 1783 when Britain accepted American declaration of independence in the Treaty of Paris.
  • The first steamboat

    The first steamboat
    It is a ship propelled by steam engines or by steam turbines. It is currently in disuse. It became the main form of transport in the sea during the XIX century
  • French revolution

    French revolution
  • The magic flute

    The magic flute
    This is an opera seria composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The Magic Flute is a two act fairytale of darkness, light, and finding your way in the world.
  • The discovery of the Antartic

    The discovery of the Antartic
    A russian ship commanded by Fabian von Bellingshausen spotted the Antartic.
  • Period: to

    The romantic period

    It begins with the end of Napoleonic wars and ends with the beginning of the 20th century. In this period a series of political reforms established the liberalist system. Also Nationalism was an important movement of the 19th century.
  • Period: to


    He is a Russian composer of the romanticism that composed famous ballets such as the nutcracker and the lake of swans. Because he received Western influences he is not consider a Nationalist composer. He encompassed a large range of pieces including operas, symphony and ballets.
  • Period: to

    War between Mexico and the USA

    This war was due to the independence war of Texas. Mexico didn't allow Texas to get independence but the USA defend Texas and then a war exploited. After two years the USA won taking the northern part of Mexico.
  • Period: to


    Joaquín Sorolla is a famous spanish painter of the romantic period.
    Some of his paintings are exposed in el Prado. Bañando al caballo and Paseo a las orillas del mar are his most notable paintings. He is an impressionist and luminist painter
  • Period: to

    Maurice Ravel

    French composer of the impressionism. His most famous composition is el bolero.
  • Period: to

    Pablo picasso

    The most famous spanish artist of cubism that painted pictures such as the famous Guernica.
  • The foundation of National Geographic

    The foundation of National Geographic
    It was founded in the United States on January 27, 1888 by 33 men interested in organizing a society for the increase and diffusion of geographical knowledge. They started write a science magazine that later become what we know.
  • New World Symphony

    New World Symphony
    This piece was composed by Antonín Dvořák and it has been described as one of the most popular of all symphonies of all time.
    It is name also like Symphony No. 9 in E minor.
  • Spanish flu

    Spanish flu
    A deadly virus that caused a pandemic around the world and killed 5% of the population of that time.
  • Period: to

    The berlin wall and the iron curtain

    During the cold war, half of berlin was an enclave of west germany in east germany. In 1961 east germany (controlled by the URSS) built a wall that prevented anyone to cross the iron curtain (the division between the URSS and the capitalist countries. Finally in 1989 the people of Berlin destroyed the wall and the cold war ended.
  • The first television in color

    The first television in color
    The first color test broadcast was in 1963. Commercial color launch began in June 1966, and full-time color broadcasts began in 1971. It was invented by John Logie Baird
  • Opera of sydney

    Opera of sydney
    The most iconic Australian building is this expressionist building built by Jorn Utzon. It contains three theaters, a enormous concerts room and a big opera scenery