History of Management

  • Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899

     Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899
    Regulate on pollution of rivers and harbors changed how companies could ship products (Evans, Pane Haden, Clayton & Novicevic,. 201
  • Frederick W. Taylor Published The Principles of Scientific Management

    1. Study how worker do their work a d find a way to improve it.
    2. Codify written rules and standard operating procedures.
    3. Stilled workers and train them with the rule
    4. Establish fair level of performance (Dean, 1997)
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factoru Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factoru Fire
    Employees of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory were locked inside the factory during the work day when it caught fire and over 100 workers burned to death. After word a push for safer work conditions began.
  • Henry Ford Introduced Mass-production line

    Henry Ford Introduced Mass-production line
    Henry Ford opens car production plant in Detroit MI. Him and his Managers pioneered the development of mass production (Jones & George , 2014, p.35)
  • Mary Parker Follett Pubisher Creative Experience

    Mary Parker Follett Pubisher Creative Experience
    The Mary Parker Follett Publishes a book on the about Industrial relationships and management. The first real look into human relations. (Feldheim, 2004 p. 343)
  • The Protestant Ethic was first translated into English

    Max Weber Masterpiece The Protestant Ethic was first translated into English. The publication is about work ethics and Administrative Management Theory. (Houghton, 2010)
  • Hawthorne study

    Hawthorne study
    1924 to 1932 studies were conducted at Western Electric Company. The results ended up suggesting workers attitudes toward their managers affect the level of performance.(Jones & George , 2014, p.52)
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

    Give standards for wages and overtime pay as well as children labor standards. (U.S. Department of Labor )
  • We can Do It! Rosie the Riveter

    We can Do It! Rosie the Riveter
    Rosie the Riveter came out on J. Howard Miller poster to encourage woman to fill factory positions during World War II. This added a new dynamic to the work force. Rector, K. (2008, Jun 20)
  • Waldo Developed Theory on democratic Administration

    Leaders and followers achieve the most through education that taught Civic Participation and Conflict resolution. (Feldheim, 2004 p. 350)
  • Social Responsibilities of the Businessman was Published

    Social Responsibilities of the Businessman was written by Howard R. Bowen and brought forth the Idea that managers recognized not only their right to earn a profit, but also conduct business with a concern for all affected parties.(Evans, Pane Haden, Clayton & Novicevic,. 2013)
  • Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA)

    Protect the relationship between unions and workers.(U.S. Department of Labor)
  • McGregor Published The Human Side of Enterprise

    McGregor Published The Human Side of Enterprise
    The Human Side of Enterprise was about X and Y theory. Theory X is were employee are lazy and need supervised. Y theory worker is not lazy and self-directed.(Kopelman, Prottas & Davis, 2008 p. 256)
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    Required men and women to get equally pay (Jones & George , 2014, p.137)
  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

    Prohibits discrimination of employment for race, religion, sex and national origin. (Jones & George , 2014, p.137)
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act

    Prohibits age discrimination for workers over 40. (Jones & George , 2014, p.137)
  • modern day perpetual inventory System is created

    Perpetual inventory system is the accounting practice of tracking inventory at all times verse the periodic inventory were it is counted once a year. In 1970’s it became more popular do to the development of computers (Curran, 1970)
  • Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act

    Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act
    Regulate Safety and health conditions (U.S. Department of Labor)
  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act

    Pregnancy Discrimination Act
    Prohibits Discrimination against Pregnancy employees (Jones & George , 2014, p.137)
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Prohibits discrimination against disabled individuals and requires employer to provide adequate accommodations if needed. (Jones & George , 2014, p.137)
  • Civil Rights Act

    Explained what happens if the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act is broken. (Jones & George , 2014, p.137)
  • Family and Medical Leave Act

    Family and Medical Leave Act
    Required 12 week of unpaid leave for medical and family reasons (Jones & George , 2014, p.137)