History Of Graphic Design

  • 114

    The latin Alphabet 114 A.D.

    The latin Alphabet 114 A.D.
    It had 23 letter that we use today in this society. and i like it becasue it looks just like americas alphabet.
  • 114


    Devolped freer- form of wrirting pretty much it is capital letter writing. It was a unique way to capitalize your letter.
  • 524

    The Greek Alphabet 524 B.C.

    The Greek Alphabet 524 B.C.
    This is one of the final rows of the greek before it vanished away but they spreaded it everywhere so everyone knew about it.
  • Jan 1, 750

    ETRUSCAN 750 B.C.

    ETRUSCAN 750 B.C.
    This type of typography came from italy from western asia mainor. This is were some of the greeks went to live and spreaded it around everyone.
  • Jan 1, 776

    Phoenician Alphabet Greece 776 B.C.

    Phoenician Alphabet Greece 776 B.C.
    he Greek-coined Phoenician or purple people, from phoiniki, meaning purple or crimson. These are the diffrent techniques and colors they used to write and read.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Uncial & Half Uncial NO DATE

    Uncial & Half Uncial NO DATE
    It was used on papyrus also walls. It's intresting to me becasue its the letters we use today.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    First Typography 1500 B.C.

    First Typography 1500 B.C.
    It's a form of cuneiform that exists between the earlier pictograph forms to abstarct forms. It's really intresting becasue the way they wrote and drew the typogrpahy on a stone.
  • Jan 1, 1500


    These were letters made later in Egypt to write and communicate with other people. It's intresting because these are the letters that they still use in some areas till this day.
  • Cyrus Cylinder 1600 B.C.

    Cyrus Cylinder 1600 B.C.
    This art is called the cyrus cylinder. It's very intresting and awesome looking and also it has a crack from the fall of babylon.
  • The First Alphabets 1650 B.C.

    The First Alphabets 1650 B.C.
    in Wadi el-Hol, Egypt, in 1999, it was generally held that the beginnings of alphabetic scripts could be traced back into the 1650 BC to 1700 BC. It's intresting to me because its one of the firdt alphabets ever.
  • The Phoenician Alphabet 1750 B.C.

    The Phoenician Alphabet 1750 B.C.
    The Phoenician alphabet was probably developed for quick and easy to read notes that a merchant would make on his trips along the ports of the Mediterranean. Year by year the alphabets keep getting easier to read and write and understand.
  • Egyptian hieroglyphs 1800 B.C.

    Egyptian hieroglyphs 1800 B.C.
    the purpose for which they are written, and their intended audience.
    They used this to communicate with other people and i like i because the way it is engraved into the wall.
  • PROTO SINAITIC 14Th Century B.C.

    PROTO SINAITIC  14Th Century B.C.
    This proto-Sinaitic alphabet of consonants was pictographic, yet each pictograph represents a sound rather than a thing or idea. It's intresting because there pictographs represent everything.
  • Egyptian Pictographs 196 B.C.

    Egyptian Pictographs 196 B.C.
    The Egyptian pictographs evolved into a cursive style called hieratic that was freer. I like it becasue the way they they drew the letters.
  • Greek Typography Phoenician consonant alphabet 185 B.C.

    Greek Typography Phoenician consonant alphabet 185 B.C.
    They used some egyptian and sumarian typography and mashed it up together and made there own.