
History of english literature

  • 450 BCE

    Old English

    Old English
    It called "Dark ages" occurs whe Rome falls and Barbain tribes move into Europe.
    Early Old English poems as Beowulf,The wanderer,The Seafarer
  • 1066

    Middle English

    Middle English
    Norman French armies invade and conquer England under Willian I.
    Epic adventure,heroes,devotion to God (war,religious,romances).
    French chivalric romance by Chretien de Troyes,French fables by Marie de France and Jeun de Meun.
  • 1500

    English Renaissance

    English Renaissance
    A movement called Humanism appears that expanded the vision of man and the world. In this period all the arts flourish, as painting, the architecture, the literature. Greco-Latin models are renewed in poetry and narrative. The great epic poems that take up the heroes' feats. "Os Lusíadas" whose theme is the Vasco da Gama expedition. Within this period figures such as Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio, Nicolo Machiavelli, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare.
  • Puritan

    The Literature is utilitarian, very personal, religious, adapted to the realities of the New World. It focused on daily life, settlement, moral, attitudes, and authority of the Bible and the Church.
    William Bradford of Plymouth Plantation (HISTORICAL NARRATIVE) Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (SERMON) Anne Bradstreet “Upon the Burning of Our House,” and “To My Dear and Loving Husband.” (POETRY)
  • Restoration Age

    Restoration Age
    This period marks the British king’s restoration to the throne after a long period of Puritan domination in England. Its symptoms include the dominance of French and Classical influences on poetry and drama.
    Writers as John Dryden, John Lock, Sir William Temple, Samuel Pepys and Aphra Behn in England.
    Repetitive authors include Jean Racine and Molière.
  • 18th Century

    18th Century
    Poetry, drama, satire, and novels produced in Europe. Europe started in the Age of Enlightenment and moved towards Romanticism. In the visual arts, it was the period of Neoclassicism.
    Neoclassicism was based on the imitation of classical models. . The fable and essay flourish; the balance between the content and the form of expression. In addition, the adventure novel appears, the classic French, theater is developed and the ideas of Illuminism.
  • Romanticism

    Placing a premium on fancy,imagination,emotion,nature,individuality,human intuition,and exotica,it moved from personal and political documents entertaining ones,wich gaverise to short stories,poetry,and novels.American writers as Cooper,Poe,Thoreau,Emerson,Dickinson,Hawthorne and Melville.
  • Victorian

    Writing during period of Queen Victoria's reign includes sentimental novels.British writers include Elizabeth Browning,Alfred Lord Tennyson,Mathew Arnold,Robert Browning,Charles Dickens,The Bronte sisters and Jane Austen.The end of Victorian Period is marked by intellectual movements of Asceticism.In America,Naturalist writers as Stephen Crane flourish,as do early free verse poets like Walt Whitman and Emili Dickinson.
  • Modern Literature

    Modern Literature
    The modernist literary era is linked to the search for formal perfection, therefore evades reality, refers to fantastic worlds, princesses, remote landscapes. From that conception, the so-called "art for art" arises. In modernism the form prevails over the content. Despite the temporary transience, modernism is considered a literary school. The development of modernism was especially in poetry.
  • Post Modern

    Post Modern
    Eliot,Morrison,Shaw,Beckett,Stoppard,Fowles,Calvino,Ginsberg,Pynchon,and other modern writers,poets,and playwrights experiment with metafiction and fragmented poetry. Post modernism often utilizes absurd plots,lyrical style,elaborate symbolism.Magic realists such as Gabriel Garcìa Marquèz,Luis Borges,Alejo Carpentier,Gunter Grass and Salman Rushdie flourish with surrealistic writings embroidered in the conventions of realism.
  • Contemporany

    No clear philosophy identifies the present span of literature,but like the modernist movement,oftenexplores personal experience and social change.Writers like Salinger,Beat Poet Jack Kerouac,John Updike,Silvia Plath,and Kurth Vonnegut,represent the span of contemporary styles and works.