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History of Early Childhood Education

  • Johann Amos Comenius

    Johann Amos Comenius
    ComeniusHe was an Eastern European religous leader. He wrote a guidebook outlineing concepts, skills, and activities he felt children should be taught for mothers.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    Locke was passionate about the importance of first-hand expericences as a means of learning. Locke beleived that all children are born with "blank slates" ready to absorb all the things that are presented to them in their lifetime.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    RousseauJean-Jacques Rousseau stated that individuals learn to functions within and for the social group. His aim about education was to learn how to live righteously. He divided children in to three groups: 1. Children to the age to 12 live like animals. 2. Children from 12 to the age of 16 are developing. 3. Children 16 years and up are starting to develop as adults.
  • Jean Piget

    Jean Piget
    PiagetPiget's therory was children learn through cognitive learning or development. At each stage children learn more major skills. Also at each stage children develop changes in the areas of play, language, morality, space, time, and numbers.
  • Lev Vygotsky

    Lev Vygotsky
    Vygotsky talked about how children learn by the environment. He had a zone of proximal development which suggest that children learning is suported in working on challenging activities that are beyond what they can achieve on thier own.
  • Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi designed a method of teaching children living in poverty which he centered serveral keys:
    All children are capable of learning.
    Learning begins at birth with parents as the first teachers.
    Teacher-student discourse and activities should focus on hands-on manipulataion of real objescts.
    Natural experiences in the course of daily living are the source of learning.
    and Arts ans physical education are essentail components of a comprehensive education.