• IBM PC5150

    IBM PC5150
    Our ranking is headed, and we believe that it deservedly, by the first PC in history. IBM launched its Model 5150 in mid-August 1981 in response to the personal computers that were giving wings to much smaller companies such as Commodore, Atari, Apple or Tandy.
  • IBM 1401

    IBM 1401
    The IBM 1401 came on the market in 1959. It worked with a system of punched cards through which data was entered. It was easy to program compared to other computers of the time.
  • IBM 360

    IBM 360
    IBM 360: The IBM company ushered in this generation on April 7, 1964, with the launch of the IBM 360, with integrated SLT technology. It caused such an impact that more than 30,000 units were manufactured.
  • Cray Research

    Cray Research
    The so-called Fourth Generation (1971) is the product of the micro-miniaturization of electronic circuits. The small size of the microprocessor chip made the creation of personal computers (PCs) possible.
  • FGCS

    The fifth generation of computers, also known by its acronym in English, FGCS (for Fifth Generation Computer Systems), was a project made by Japan that began in 1981.
  • PC

    This is the sixth generation of computers and today we are going to see it in detail. This begins in the year 2000, that is, with the millennium, and it still extends until the moment you are reading these words, and it is transformed with each passing day.