Happy computer

History of computers

  • Copmuters

    This is when the first freely programable computers came out. IT was invented by Konrad Zues. Konrad Zuse completed the Z3 in 1941, with recycled materials donated by fellow university staff and students. This was the world's first electronic, fully programmable digital computer based on a binary floating-point number and switching system. This is important because It made it so people could now have whatever programs they wanted on their computer and it allowed them to do a lot more things.
  • Computers

    David Packard and Bill Hewlett found Hewlett-Packard in a Palo Alto, California garage. Their first product was the HP 200A Audio Oscillator, which rapidly becomes a popular piece of test equipment for engineers. Walt Disney Pictures ordered eight of the 200B model to use as sound effects generators for the 1940 movie “Fantasia.”
    works cited: http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/?year=1939
    This is important becuase it was a huge advancement and you still even hear about it today!!
  • Computers

    Engineering Research Associates of Minneapolis built the ERA 1101, the first commercially produced computer. The first people to buy it was the U.S Navy. This computer could store as many as 4,000 words and retrieved any one of them in as little as five-thousandths of a second!! This is huge because it could store so much information and retreive it so fast. The Navy would need that so they could keep all their information together and get to it fast if they needed to.
  • Computers

    the first fully transistorized computer, TRADIC. It contained nearly 800 transistors instead of vacuum tubes. Transistors — completely cold, highly efficient amplifying devices—enabled the machine to operate on fewer than 100 watts, or one-twentieth the power required by comparable vacuum tube computers. This was so important because before then computers had used a ton of electricity and they hadn't been able to use transistors, which are much more efficient.
  • Computers

    Digital Equipment Corp. introduced the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer. The speed, small size, and reasonable cost enabled the PDP-8 to go into thousands of manufacturing plants, small businesses, and scientific laboratories. This is very important because now they don't take up as much space as the computers before their time did which makes it so they are easier to use, thus causing more people to buy it and more technological advancemensts.
  • Computers

    The Apollo Guidance Computer made its debut orbiting the Earth on Apollo 7. A year later, it steered Apollo 11 to the lunar surface. Astronauts communicated with the computer by punching two-digit codes and the appropriate syntactic category into the display and keyboard unit. This is extremely important because now we can control things with computers and go places we were never able to go to before and do things we couldn't do ourselves.
  • Computers

    Hewlett-Packard announced the HP-35 as "a fast, extremely accurate electronic slide rule" with a solid-state memory similar to that of a computer. The HP-35 distinguished itself from its competitors by its ability to perform a broad variety of logarithmic and trigonometric functions, to store more intermediate solutions for later use, and to accept and display entries in a form similar to standard scientific notation. This was huge because that then started the eveolution of caculators.
  • Computers

    The Apple II became an instant success when released in 1977 with its printed circuit motherboard, switching power supply, keyboard, case assembly, manual, game paddles, A/C powercord, and cassette tape with the computer game "Breakout." When hooked up to a color television set, the Apple II produced brilliant color graphics. This was really big because it then led to computers that were able to be used in people's homes like the ones we have now.
  • Computers

    Maxis released SimCity, a video game that helped launch of series of simulators. Maxis cofounder Will Wright built on his childhood interest in plastic models of ships and airplanes, eventually starting up a company with Jeff Braun and designing a computer program that allowed the user to create his own city. A number of other Sims followed in the series, including SimEarth, SimAnt, and SimLife. This started the big to do about video games and since then people have never stopped playing them.
  • Computers

    Yahoo is founded. Founded by Stanford graduate students Jerry Yang and David Filo, Yahoo started out as "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web" before being renamed. Yahoo originally resided on two machines, Akebono and Konishiki, both named after famous Sumo wrestlers. Yahoo would quickly expand to become one of the Internet’s most popular search engines. This then led people to create even more search engines like Google, godaddy, etc.