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History of Child Rights

  • The ILO is formed

    The International Labor Organization is formed. Tbe ILO works to achieve universal labor standards as well as helping reduce child labor.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act Passed

    The Fair Labor Standards Act prevents minors from taking part in dangerous jobs and gives the nation a minimum wage, ending American child labor for the most part.
  • UNICEF formed

    UNICEF formed
    The United Nations' Children's Emergency Fund is formed to provide healthcare and food to children affected by WWII. It eventually became a permanent part of the UN in 1953.
    Today, UNICEF helps out children all over the globe, helping to give them rights, food, healthcare, and education.
  • UDHR Ratified

    UDHR Ratified
    The UN declares the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This document states a long list of human rights, including child rights.
  • UN CRC

    UN CRC
    The United Nation holds the Convention for the Rights of the Child. There, they set out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children, and politically defined a child (a person under the age of 18).
  • Worst Forms Convention

    Worst Forms Convention
    The Worst Forms Convention is an international law suggested by the International Labor Organization ratified by 151 countries that prohibits human trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, armed conflict, prostitution and pornography.
  • MDGs Set

    MDGs Set
    At the UN Millennium Summit, nations agree upon a set of goals known as the Millennium Development Goals to be fulfilled by 2015. These goals are designed to help developing countries catch up with the world.