History of Assistive Technology

By astroup
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Students with disabilities cannot be excluded from the general education curriculum. Even those students who do not have disabilities that affect their education cannot be excluded if the school is receiving federal funding. Section 504 applies to all students with disabilities regardless if they are receiving special education services. This relates to Assistive technology because these students can be provided with assistive technology to help them with their education.
  • Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act

    Assistive technology was defined for the first time.
  • American with Disabilities Act

    Students with disabilities have the same access to education as their general education peers. Equal education for all students regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
  • IDEA 1997

    All IEP teams must considered Assistive Technology for every student receiving special education services.
  • IDEA 2004

    Assistive technology devices still must be considered when completing an IEP but surgically implanted devices do not have to be included i.e. cochlear implant.