
History Final: Hannah Rosacker

  • U.S.S Maine explodes

    U.S.S Maine explodes
    Spain blows up the U.S.S. Maine. The United States finally had a reason to declare war on Spain after the tension that was building.. Causes the start of the Spanish American war (April 20). "Remember the Maine" became the U.S. rallying cry
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    Hawaii is proclaimed an American territory
    Gave the U.S. access to the sugar plantations, naval bases (Pearl Harbor), and a refueling station for American ships
  • Treaty of Paris Signed

    Treaty of Paris Signed
    United States gained territories. Marked the official end of the Spanish-American war. Sparked arguments of whether or not the U.S. had the right to annex the Philippians
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    Date approved by Congress
    This specified the relationship between U.S. and Cuba. Under these terms, Cuba bacame a U.S. protectorate. It showed enforcement of foreign policies. It also gave the U.S. another naval base.
  • McKinley is Assassinated: Roosevelt becomes President

    McKinley is Assassinated: Roosevelt becomes President
    Mckinley was assinated in Buffalo in 1901 making Theodore Roosevelt the next U.S. President
    Roosevelt attempted to settle labor disputes, national park system, Square Deal.
  • Meat Inspection

    Meat Inspection
    Meat Inspection and Pure Food and Drug Act is passed. These are a result of Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" They also were a way to show Americans that they were getting safe food. Theses created sanitary standards established for slaughterhouses and meat processing plants that are used today.
  • Taft as President

    Taft as President
    William Howard Taft is sworn in as President.
    During his presidency Taft pursued a cautiously prgressice agenda. Taft strengthened the interstate commerce and Improved the performance of the postal service. He also signed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff.
  • Election of 1912

    Election of 1912
    This election brought progressivism to the forefront of politics for the first time with the "Bull-Moose Party". It also challegened voters to seriously think about their rights and the Constitution.
  • Franz Ferdinand assassinated

    Franz Ferdinand assassinated
    Major causes of the start of WW1.. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, but because of the alliance system, it turned into a world war
  • Panama Canal FInish

    Panama Canal FInish
    The Canal was essential for the expansion of US interests, cutting time off from going around the tip of South America. Saved time for commercial military ships.
  • U.S. joins war

    U.S. joins war
    This is important becuase the U.S. was hoping to help speed up the war, and create peace in Europe (League of Peace, exend democracy, maintain freedom of seas, and reduce armaments). -Lusitania -Arabic -Sussex
  • Sedition and Espionage Acts Passed

    Sedition and Espionage Acts Passed
    A person could be fined and sentenced to 20 years in jail for interfering with war effort, or saying anything disrepectful about the war. This is important because it helped with national defense
  • End of World War 1

    End of World War 1
    Eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
    Germans were too exhausted to continue fighting and agreed to sign a truce that ended the war.
    -Americans expected lives to return to normal
  • Treaty of Versailles/14 points

    Treaty of Versailles/14 points
    This treaty offically ended WW1 and was an attempt to create peace between countries. It also established new nations, shifed boundaries, and hoped to create stability for a rebuilt Europe
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    19th Amendment Ratified
    Women's right to vote is granted. This amendment shows the victories of women during the progressive era. Women began to redefine the role of federal government in American society. They also worked hard to expand the scope of the federal govenment in overseeing issues in education, sanitation, health, wages, working conditions, and social welfare