
  • Foreign affairs

    “The Foreign Affairs System Integration Office was established to formulate and coordinate the integration of information systems for all foreign affairs agencies at overseas posts.”
  • 9/11

    Terrorist killed 3,000 people and more than 6,000 injured. One of the worst attacks against homeland in our nations history.
  • Foreign affairs

    “The Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs subdivided one of its regional offices, creating an Office of Indonesia and East Timor Affairs, and an Office of Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore Affairs.”
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    The Iraq war

    The U.S. forces invaded Iraq promising to destroy Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. And end saddam Hussein dictatorial.
  • Tornado

    When i was in 2nd grade there was a tornado warning and I remember my schools lights went out and all the kids including me started crying.
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    Great Recession

    The Great Recession is the worst downturn since the Great Depression. This is personal because my dad got affected by this and lost his houses and cars and had to go bankrupt.
  • Tesla

    Accelerate the worlds transition to sustainable energy the first Tesla product is the roadster.
  • My nieces birthday

    Her name is avieanna and she is my partner and crime
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    Donald Trump

    Donald trump is the 45th U.S. president. America built the world’s most prosperous economy. Gained 7 million new jobs, middle class family income went up 6,000, the unemployment rate reached 3.5% the lowest in half century. Basically the economy has never been better in America.
  • Graduating high school

    Graduating high school
    When I graduated high school!
  • Covid-19

    Covid-19 is a disease caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2. Covid is contagious and spreads quickly over 1million people died from this disease.
  • Racism

    “In the summer of 2020, the country saw the largest civil rights protest movement since the 1960s.” I actually experienced this when i lived in Virginia, with my friends they went to protest and even in Washington DC
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    Joe Biden

    46th U.S. president. Personally everything that Donald trump did he lost it. The average American family has lost around 7,100 in purchasing power under Biden due to inflation and High interest rates. Basically the economy is trash now.
  • Student debt

    “he total student debt is $1.75 trillion in federal and private loans. On average, borrowers each owe almost $29,000. About 92% of all student debt comes from federal student loans.”
  • Climate change

    “Scientists and activists have been warning about climate change for decades, but little has been done. The United States is starting to see harsher effects of climate change.”