
By ctroxe
  • The Red Scare

    1. The panic started in 1919
    2. Revolutionaries in Russia overthrew the czarist regime
    3. Lenin and his followers established a communist state, bombs were being mailed to the gov. and business leaders
    4. Public grew very scared
    5. Communist were taking over
  • The Boston Police Strike

    1. Boston police had not been given a raise since the start of ww1
    2. strike began on September 9th, 1919
    3. over 1000 Boston officers went on strike
    4. they sought recognition for their trade union and improvements in wages and working conditions
    5. the result was new uniforms, better pay, less work hours, more holidays off.\
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    1. It was taken place in the 1920's
    2. The secretary of the interior leased government oil preserves to private oilmen in return for bribes
    3. Warren G Harding was the president at the time
    4. Fall became the first president cabinet member to go to prison, no one was convicted of paying the bribes
    5. Sinclair served nine months in prison for contempt of court
  • The KKK Rises

    1. Due to the Red Scare the KKK started to rise
    2. By 1924 4.5 million white male native born citizens joined
    3. The KKK believed to keep African Americans, Jews, and foreign born people out of the country
    4. The clan dominated politics in many states
    5. KKK lost members and eventually decreased in power
  • Impact of the Automobile

    1. In 1927 Henry Ford first produced the Model A
    2. the automobile changed America forever
    3. the most visible effects was the addition of paved roads, and traveling in harsh weather conditions
    4. the automobile liberated the isolated rural family
    5. gave family's the opportunity to go on vacations