
HIGE Assessment

  • First Australians

    First Australians
    The First Australians were the Aboriginals. The Australia's first inhabatants gradually spread out reaching the far south by about 25,000 years ago. Most made their homes near rivers, lakes and sandshores, where there was plenty of fish for them to eat.
  • Social reasons

    The British Convicts could get sicker and sicker.
    The pollution from the industrial revolution.
    Over crowding the cities with people.
  • Economic reasons

    Death equals loss of economy.
    Poverty equals crime equals more prisoners.
    British People needed more jobs.
  • Political reasons

    They stopped sending convicts to USA.
    They started sending convicts to Australia because they couldn't send them to the USA.
    Life in Britain was hard so they started making new machines, and people started moving to the cities, the cities got to crowed so they got transported to Australia.
  • Captain Cook was sent to make observations at Tahiti

    Captain Cook was sent to make observations at Tahiti
    Tahiti is a large island in the French Polynesia
    Cook was sent by the British Government to make astronomical observations at Tahiti and to search for a great south Island.
  • Captain Cook maps the Coast of Australia

    Captain Cook maps the Coast of Australia
    Cook maps the east coast of Australia and claims it for the British and doesn't know that the Aboriginals already live there.
  • Death of Captain Cook

    Death of Captain Cook
    Captain Cook Died from Assassination on 14 February 1779 in Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii, United States Of America
  • Aboriginals before British settlement in Australia

    Aboriginals before British settlement in Australia
    There were 750000 Aboriginals before the British came but when the British came so many Aboriginals died each day from getting killed by guns, getting hurt, Smallpox and a lot of other things. Aboriginals weren't all part of one group, they lived in family based groups. Each Group had it own language and traditions.
  • Bennelong

    Bennelong formed a friendship with Governor Arthur Phillip who took him to England in 1792. The English were fascinated by the concept of the 'Noble Savage' and had seen many dark-skinned curiosities paraded in society from the time of Dampier and Cook
  • The First Fleet Arrives

    The First Fleet Arrives
    The First Fleet arrives at Botany Bay and sone after they get transferred to Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour). There was a Total of 1487 this included Convicts, Convicts children, Marines, wives, children, Officials, Royal Navy sailors, Merchant Navy sailors. When the first Fleet arrived they saw the Aboriginals but they thought that Africa already took over Australia.
  • The First Fleet was transferred

    The First Fleet was transferred
    The First Fleet got transferred from Botany Bay to Port Jackson
  • Australia Day

    Australia Day
    Australia Day is Australia favourite day because it is the day when Captain Cook landed here in Botany Bay on 26th of January 1788
  • Aboriginals with Smallpox

    Aboriginals with Smallpox
    In April 1789, the Eora people started to get a disease called smallpox and this was effecting Aboriginals life because some were dying some were to injured to go and get food this was a bad disease. Smallpox was common in Europe Many died from this disease, but some did survive.
  • Period: to

    Second Fleet arrives

    The Second Fleet ships arrive in Port Jackson and brings more food to feed the convicts and some supplies for them.
  • Period: to

    Third Fleet arrives

    The Third Fleet arrives in Port Jackson. The Third Fleet arrived and it carried two-thousand convicts, but the only thing that happened through this voyage was that one hundred and eighty died
  • Governor Phillip sends the sirius to Cape Town

    Governor Phillip sends the sirius to Cape Town
    Governor Phillip sends the sirius to Cape Town in Africa for supplies to feed the colony .
  • Governor Phillip Returns

    Governor Phillip Returns
    Governor Phillip returns to England
  • Period: to

    Governor of New South Wales

    Captain John Hunter was Governor of New South Wales from 1795 to 1800
  • Governor Hunter Arrives

    Governor Hunter Arrives
    Governor Hunter arrives, but unable to control the Activities of the New South Wales corps.
  • Major George Johnston leads the New South Wales corps.

    Major George Johnston leads the New South Wales corps.
    Major George Johnston leads the New South Wales corps to Government House to arrest Governor Bligh on 26 January 1808
  • Diseases are spreading in Australia

    Diseases are spreading in Australia
    The Growing of the Europeans in Australia spread diseases to the Aboriginals and some were even dying from the Europeans
  • Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson cross the Blue Mountains.

    Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson cross the Blue Mountains.
    They went across the Blue Mountains and opened up the Western Plains for settlement.
  • Bennelong's Death

    Bennelong's Death
    Bennelong died at Kissing point, New South Wales on 3 January 1813. Bennelong Died of Homesick.
  • Bennelong Point and Fort Macquarie

    Bennelong Point and Fort Macquarie
    Fort Macquarie was located on Bennelong point and construction began in December 1817 and opened in February 1821. The point was named after Bennelong the aboriginal.