HHS4C U1A2 Timeline

  • Born

    The highlight of my life. It was all downhill from here.
  • Started school

    School birthed in me the desire to learn. It was also my first time socializing with any children outside of family members. -Social Institution
  • Graduated Elementary School

    Nothing happened between starting and ending elementary school. You might think I'm joking, but I'm being 95% serious. The other 5% is this whole description.
  • Period: to

    Dropping out of high school

    It wasn't an immediate thing, so I don't really have an accurate date. At first it was just me sometimes skipping classes. Then I got anxiety about returning to class, having missed so much work. I didn't get in any kind of trouble, so I just kept doing it. Then it got to the point where I would skip full days. Cue anxiety. Eventually I just got kicked out. -Social Norm
    -Life Event
  • Returning to school

    After a few months of doing nothing beyond existing, September rolled around and I was left with a choice: Go back to school, or get a job. I chose the former. Taking into consideration the fact that most employers won't even look at you if you haven't at least graduated high school, it was probably the right choice. . . Then again, I did have to take Designing Your Own Future.
    - Life Event