Healthy Living by Decade

  • People in their 20's - Basic Good Health Tips

    People in their 20's should maintain a healthy weight by exercising regularly and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low or nonfat dairy products. Smoking and illegal substances should be avoided. Another important thing is to get enough sleep.
    People should also take care of their mental health. Being extremely stressed isn't good for the mind or the body. People should figure out what makes them relax.
    Dental appointments should be scheduled every 6 months.
  • Medical Check-Up

    Medical Check-Up
    Every two years in your 20s, you should have a medical check-up. This includes having a blood pressure screening, a gynecological exam, clinical breast exam and Pap test (since I'm a girl). If your family has any medical history, have the specific things that they have had issues with checked up. For example, my grandfather died of a heart attack, so I should get checked for things that might signal a possible heart attack when I have medical check-ups.
  • People in their 30's - Good Health

    People in their 30's - Good Health
    Metabolism slows as you age, but people in their 30's should still work to maintain a healthy weight to prevent chronic medical
    conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and certain types of cancer. It's even more important to follow the eating requirements mentioned in food section for people in their 20's. People in their 30's need to make time to exercise daily and to get enough sleep.
  • Exams and check ups in your 30s

    Dental exams should be scheduled every 6 to 12 months.Eye exams should be scheduled every 1-2 years. Hearing tests, cholesterol screening and skin cancer screenings should also be scheduled as often as your doctor recommends.
  • People in their 40's - Good Health

    This is an important tie in life to prevent health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and many types of cancer later in life. This is the most important time in your life to eat well, get plenty of exercise and the right amount of sleep.
    Some common health concerns for people in their 40's include chronic pain, stress, blood glucose, BMI, osteoporosis and anxiety and depression. Many of these issues need attention from a doctor so it is important to make all the right appointments.
  • Exams and Check-Ups in your 40s

    Exams and Check-Ups in your 40s
    People in their 40s should have many check ups and have them more often than they have had to in the past. People in their 40s should have:
    - Physical exams every 2 or 3 years
    - Dental and Cleaning exams every 6 months
    - Eye exams every 2 years
    - Blood pressure screening every 2 years
    - Cholesterol screening every 5 years
    Or any other exams depending on the specific medical qualities of the person, which they should know.
  • People in their 50's - Good Health

    People in their 50's - Good Health
    Once you get to 50, it's hard to hide your age even with being as healthy as possible. It is still very important to be active, eat well, and we plenty of sleep. Another thing to add to that list is to challenge your mind. This will improve your brain function and overall health.
    There are an overwhelming amount of health problems that you can have when you reach your 50s, and it is still important to go to your doctors as regularly as you should be in your early years, possible more.
  • Exams and Check-Ups in your 60s

    As you get older, you should be going to more doctors appointments more regularly to make sure that everything in your body is still working properly. In addition to the doctors appointments recommended in your 40s, you should also get a bone density test at age 60, a colonoscopy every 10 years, and yearly skin exams.
  • People in their 60s - Good health

    People in their 60s - Good health
    Common concerns for people in their 60s include declining physical and mental health, financial issues and dependence on others. However there are things that you can do to lessen and help these issues. Exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and eat healthy, nutritious foods.These are the same things that you should be doing your entire life, however the older you get, the more important they get. The importance of your mental health increases the older you get. Challenge your brain every day.