Harriet Tubmen

  • When Harriet was born.

    Harriet Tubman was born March 9, 1920. She was born as a slave.
  • Harriet gets sent out

    Miss Susan had hired out Harriet to clean the house, make clothes, and to tend to the baby.
  • Harriets Disaster

    Harriet was hit in the head with a flying two pound wieght trying to save a runaway slave. That left her with a terrible injury. Ever since then she has had terrible haedache and narcoleptic siezers.
  • Harriet works in in fields

    Harriet was sent out to work out in the fields
  • Getting Married

    Harriet was to be married to a free black that went by the name, John tubmen.
  • The way to North

    As harriet made her way up to North, people who worked for the Underground Railroad helped her to succsessfully to her destination.
  • The notice

    During October a notice of runnaway slave appeared. The price for capturing slaves were up to one hundred dollers each.
  • Harriets ecape

    Harriet escaps from slavery to find freedom.
  • The Fugitive Law

    They passed The Fugitive Law to make slavory outlawed, so if anybody was caught helping slaves, they would be punished severly.
  • The Rescue

    Harriet Tubman had made arrangements to go and help her bother-in-law, her sister and their two children with William Still.
  • Saving her brother.

    Harriet saved her brothers by using the Underground Railroad.
  • Becoming an operater of the Underground Railroad

    Harriet Tubmen became an operater of the Underground Railroad, and had been helping slaves escape to New York, New Ingland, and Canada.
  • Harriet gets a farm

    Harriet gets a farm on the outskirts of New York by, William H. Sewerd
  • Meeting John Brown

    Harriet was aquantenced with with John brown, the abolitionist
  • Rescuing her parents

    Finally Harriet was able to rescue her parents from slavery, using a stolen horse and carrage.
  • John Browns Raid

    John Brown led a raid on Haper's Ferry
  • Meeting Charles Nalle

    Harriet went to Troy, New York where she met Charles Nalle and undertook her last mission to Maryland.
  • The new Presedent

    Abraham Lincoln was elected as Presedent
  • Emancipation Proclaiment

    This is when Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proc;aiment.
  • The Civil War ends

    The Civil War ended, Lincoln was assaninated, and the 13th amendment to Constitution abolishes slavery.
  • Harriet Tubmen Returns to Aurborn

    At the end of the war Harriet Returns to Auborn
  • 14th Amendment

    The 14th amendment to the Constituition grants citizenship to former slaves.
  • Harriet meets Nelson Davis

    Harriet meets a Civil War veteren named Nelson Davis
  • Harriet first bioghraphy

    Sarah H. Bradford wrote an authorized bioghraphy entitled scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubmen and was published the year.
  • Harriet remarries

    She married Nelson Davis March 18th 1869 at the Central Presbyterian Church.
  • 15th Amendament

    The 15th amendament prohibits states from denying the right to vote because race.
  • Swindled out of her money

    Harriet was swindled out of her money by a con invovling gold money transfers.
  • Harriet adopts

    Nelson and Harriet adopts a baby girl named Gertie.
  • The death of Harriet

    Harriet died of pneumonia on March 10, 1913.