Harriet Tubman Time Line

  • Birth

    She was born in Dorchester County, Maryland. Harriet was given the name Araminta Ross.She later changed it to Harriet.
  • Harriet Married John Tubman

    Harriet Married John Tubman
    Harriet married a free African American in 1844. After Harriet escaped she came back for him but he already married another girl. They were married from 1844-1851. This is also when Araminta changed her name to Harriet.
  • Escape

    Harriet and her brothers Ben and henry escaped from Poplar Neck Plantation. Harriet traveled 90 miles to Pennsylvania, a free state, using the Underground Railroad.
  • Her First Rescue

    Her First Rescue
    Harriet began her rescue missions immediatley. She helped her niece, and her nieces two children escape slavery.
  • Harriet now gets noticed

    Harriet now gets noticed
    After helping many slaves run to freedom, people in the abolitionsit movement began to notice. They wanted her help.
  • Harriets Second Marriage

    Harriets Second Marriage
    When Harriet was about 59 years old she then married Nelson Davis who was 22 years younger than Harriet. They then spent the last 22 years together. They got married at the Central Presbyterian Church.
  • Nelsons death

    Nelsons death
    With Nelsons death, 10 years later Harriet became involved in womens suffrage group and started giving speeches in New York and Washington.
  • Death

    Harriet Tubman died in Auburn Ny. She was about 93 years old, and died of an pneumonia.