Harriet Tubman

  • Born

    Harriet Tubman is born into slavery in Maryland
  • First Marriage

    Harriet marries a free man, John Tubman
  • Escapes

    Harriet Tubman escapes slavery at age 29
  • First Trip

    Harriet Tubman makes her first "rescue" when she saves her family members from slavery, suing the underground railroad
  • Canada

    Harriet reroutes the underground railroad to make it go to Canada, where slavery was prohibited.
  • Meets John Brown

    Harriet meets abolitionist John Brown and collaborates with him on methods to help end slavery
  • Second Marriage

    Harriet marries a civil war veteran named Nelson Davis
  • Donation

    Harriet Tubman donates a parcel of her land to the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Auburn.
  • Dies

    Harriet Tubman dies of pneumonia, surrounded by friends