Harriet tubman

Harriet Tubman

By mbotch
  • Harriet's birthday

    Harriet's birthday
    Although we don't know Harriet's exact birthdate, we know she was born in 1820
  • Harriet is struck in the head with a two pound weight

    Harriet is struck in the head with a two pound weight
    Harriet is struck with a two pound weight by the overseer of a runaway slave for refusing to help return them. This ultimately affected her health for the rest of her life.
  • Harriet gets married

    Harriet gets married
    Harriet marries a free black man named John Tubman
  • Harriet escapes to freedom

    Harriet escapes to freedom
    Harriet Tubman escaped to freedom and became a conductor on the Undergound Railroad after illness and the death of her owner
  • Harriet guides fugitive slaves to freedom despite the fugitive slave act

    Harriet guides fugitive slaves to freedom despite the fugitive slave act
    Although the fugitive slave act was heavily enforced, Harriet helped guide 11 fugitive slaves who were northern bound to freedom. There's evidence that they potentially visited Frederick Douglass on the way
  • Harriet collaborates with John Brown

    Harriet collaborates with John Brown
    Harriet meets with John Brown and assists him in planning raid on Harper's Ferry
  • Harriet leads the expedition of the Combahee River

    Harriet leads the expedition of the Combahee River
    During the Civil War, Harriet served as a scout, nurse, and spy. She led Colonel Montgomery across the Combahee River,but he received credit for it. She was only paid $200.
  • Harriet gets married again

    Harriet gets married again
    Harriet marries her second husband, Nelson Davis
  • Harriet adopts her daughter

    Harriet adopts her daughter
    Harriet and her Husband, Nelson, their baby girl, Gertie.
  • Harriet makes her appearance at the meeting of The National Association of Colored Women

    Harriet makes her appearance at the meeting of The National Association of Colored Women
    Harriet and a group of black women came together to celebrate the struggle and strength of black women. She was the oldest member present. This is considered her most notable appearance.
  • The Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged is established

    The Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged is established
    Harriet establishes the Harriet Tubman Home for the aged. This home was built on the land that Harriet purchased from an abolitionist
  • Harriet Tubman passes away

    Harriet Tubman passes away
    On March 10, 1913 Harriet died of pneumonia