
Harriet Tubman

  • Harriet is born

    Harriet is born
    Araminta Ross was born into slavery in 1820. She was born a plantation in Maryland. When At seven she began to work in the field with had no schooling.At age 13 she was hit on the head by one of her owners as a punishment. This cuased her to have sleep attacks When she was about to be sold she would "fall alseep" to avoid the sale. Her condition was an added challenge, but many leaders have challenges, our 32nd president, FDR had the challenge of polio.
  • Harriet Escapes

    In 1849 Harriet Tubman (now married to John Tubman) decided it was time for her to escape. The plantation that she was working on was about to be sold. Tubman realised she wanted to help others who also needed freedom so after she had successfully made it to Philadelphia, she decided to take a risk to help others. She used the Underground Railroad to guide her friends, family, and strangers to safety. Harriet was devoted to helping others. In my free time I enjoy helping homeless families.
  • Official Conductor

    Official Conductor
    In 1850 Harriet Tubman became an official Underground Railroad conductor. Harriet had to promise not to tell anyone who wasn't a slave in need of a safe escape, about the secret routes to the North, that she knew by heart. After Tubman became a conductor she guided over 300 slaves to the safety of Canada. Due to this, and her strong will, she was later known as the "moses of her people". Irena Sendler was also a devoted helper she got jewish children out of concentration camps.
  • Harpers Ferry Raid

    Harpers Ferry Raid
    In 1858 Harriet worked with the extreme abolitionist, John Brown, in planning the famous Harpers Ferry Raid. Originally Tubman was scheduled to be part in the raid. However, she was fell ill, and could not help. She was lucky that she wasn't able to attend the event as, Brown was put to death. some say the raid was the start of the confederate army. Southerners were scared that the slaves would rise up. In the American Revolution the Coerive Acts were made to control uprisingings from Americans.
  • Harriet Starts The Home

    After the Civil War Harriet settled down in Auburn, New York. She wanted to continue her good work so she started to take in orphans and the elderly. later she opened the Harriet Tubman Home for Indigent Aged Negroes. The Home got much support from th epeople of Auburn. The home continued after Harriet's death. The support farther broke down the barrier between races. Mother Teresa is another example of some who cared alot about others, she took care of those whom others didn't want.