
GM Foods Timeline

  • William Beal creates the first clinically controlled crosses of corn

    William Beal creates the first clinically controlled crosses of corn
    Since he was a pioneer in his work, he sort of started the idea of changing food for one reason or another.So I think that way this event was important, because it got the idea in people's minds that it's possible to control food.
  • The firm Genetic Sciences inject genetically-modified microbes into trees.

    The firm Genetic Sciences inject genetically-modified microbes into trees.
    This was one step closer for science to start modifing everything. Even if it was microbes, studies had started and science was developing in a way to start messing with food and all more.
  • The Human Genome Project begins.

    The Human Genome Project begins.
    The UK and the USA wanted to sequence all of the human DNA.
  • FlavrSavr the first genetically modified food product was approved.

    FlavrSavr the first genetically modified food product was approved.
    It was just a can of tomatoes, but the US Food and Drug Administration was okay with it. That that shows that the government supports the idea.
  • insect resistant cotton is grown commercialy.

    insect resistant cotton is grown commercialy.
    In Australia, cotton was being grown commercialy, and only thirteen years ago, science is growing fast. Farmers were getting this cotton and a lot of it.
  • australia conducts its first ever Consensus Conference on gene technology in food chains

    australia conducts its first ever Consensus Conference on gene technology in food chains
    I guess many people knew about gene technology so enough people knew of this and had something to talk about to have a conference. And again it was a first
  • Arabidopsis is inserted into a tomato plant to make it grow with salt water and soil

    Arabidopsis is inserted into a tomato plant to make it grow with salt water and soil
    Well the genes and habit of growth of the tomato plant was so much changed that it can grow in an environment that is not its own. It shows how far they went and are still going. It also shows the speed of all this, in just a year there is some other big thing about geneticaly modifing something
  • Rice genome is decoded

    Rice genome is decoded
    rice was the first crop to be decoded, and that means they learned how to decode a genome. And it is a main food source for the majority of the world, so all these people were basicaly going to eat modified food from then on.
  • Endangered Cattle are cloned in the US

    Endangered Cattle are cloned in the US
    This is very important, and in a posititive way. So now when species are dying out, scientists can clone them!! That's a big step if they use it that way. It was in different ways too, but it could help the environment more in this path.
  • Gene Technology Act 2000

    Gene Technology Act 2000
    People were thinking of cloning stem cells! Now that was a good thing, if they could clone them and develop them into the right cells, scientists and doctors could cure people with diseases that need new cells.
  • The government might disguise many GMO foods

    The government might disguise many GMO foods
    Since GMO foods are getting more and more common, a lot of people might be against it. But companies use it anyway, so they might disguise their food as normal not only for people to not protest, but also for commercial purposes. To advertise that their product is so good that without any modifications it is the way it is.
  • Every type of food will now be GMO

    Every type of food will now be GMO
    Because every company, and farmers, and everyone somehow connected to food business will be competeing, or trying to make the food more tasty, or more nutritional, everything will be GMO.All the shelves and everything, normal food will be a novelty.