Globalization and 10 Important moments in its history

  • Jan 18, 1440

    Creation of the Printing Press

    Creation of the Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg from Germany achieves a mechanical device that united Christianity in a practical way to print the Bible and other documents, books that are vital for humanity´s purpose and history records.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Discovery of America and the New World

    Discovery of America and the New World
    Christopher Columbus arrives to a new land, imposing new culture, religion, food and goods that were both being imported and exported, achieving this had a purpose for connecting trade within new emerging nations and to develop a more organized way to coexist.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    A revolution starts on Europe causing other nations around the World to go against many paradigms, fighting for freedom, rights and equality between the share of the citizen and the governor, starting the beginning of Democracy and the first sight of Human Rights.
  • Creation of Stream Train

    Creation of Stream Train
    With the creation of this new invention, people started to use it first for passengers then for transport of materials and primary resources across America and Europe, not only making this process faster and effective but also making the roads for a more comfortable way to travel long distances as it was the first one of many we use today.
  • Women´s Suffrage Movement

    Women´s Suffrage Movement
    Women not only realize the difference of equality and rightness within the balance of capacities, obligations that are dicted and mandatory for the woman, but also about what they are capable of, just as men, starting to make the role of the woman stand out, remarking their possibilities in this World around all of it, showing everyone they can also do it.
  • Creation of United Nations

    Creation of United Nations
    As for other International Organizations, this one was mainly done to protect, cover economically every nation in need of support, making justice for countries especially those vulnerable to first world countries and conflicts, finding diplomacy before war it is vital this organization keeps nations friendly and cooperative towards each other.
  • Anti War Movement over Vietnam

    Anti War Movement over Vietnam
    As for War, media and services offered an special view that motivated movements about peace and foreign intervention, supporting values before power, saving lifes and thinking about everyone´s interests and opinions, fomenting a larger peace time within conflicts this one represented one of the biggests ones and important point in US history as it is known as the only war they ever lost.
  • Neoliberalism

    Neoliberalism is a form of captitalism in which the state deregulates the economy, destroys unions, decreases taxes on the rich and corporations, repressing and policing the poor, excessively using power benefiting only the ones on the top.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    While also marking the "End of the Soviet Union" two ideologies come together after obtaining their unity, Capitalism and Socialism battle stops escalating and starts boiling down into a focus on economy, resources and competence around this different specimens of economy, changes countries perception about surviving with a sufficient way of trade, relations and teaches how to side with a similar faction for its own good.
  • First Website Online

    First Website Online
    Internet created by military analyzed for its information capacity and storage of vast knowledge starts to see popularity for civilians and grows with many main core sites for business, social relations, media, economy growth and collaboration of different sources all available on a desktop computer and now with the use of smarthphones anyone can connect due to the cheap and need of relating online as a whole community.