Gilded age politics

  • The rise of unions

    The rise of unions
    The knights of labor formed and hoped to create a single national union by joining together all skilled and unskilled workers.
  • Big business Consolidation

    Big business Consolidation
    Large producers such as Carnegie and Rockefeller began eliminating smaller companies out of business or buying them. Sometimes, rival companies even agreed to join together and hoped to eliminate competition by establishing a monopoly.
  • Low wages and Poor Conditions

    Low wages and Poor Conditions
    Workers were working long hours and getting paid very lowly for it. As well as getting paid very little, they worked in nasty conditions such as no sanitation and things were out of order.
  • Child Labor

    Child Labor
    Children are highly injured in factories since they were small enough to fit between parts. They were usually exposed to the moving parts of machines while they worked,