Gilded Age

  • Photograph Invention

    Photograph Invention
    The importance of the photograph invention made it so that pictures could be saved and looked at. This made people actually know what war looked like and who the presidents were etc.
  • Oil in PA

    Oil in PA
    The oil found in pennsylvania was the first of oil to be discovered in america. It made Americans rush all over the country looking for petroleum and eventually changed the country as a whole.
  • Bessemer Process discovered

    Bessemer Process discovered
    A cheaper and more efficient way to make steel. This led to the mass production of steel and taller building.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Encouraged settlement in the west by offering settlers willing to move west free acres of land to settle on.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Built

    Transcontinental Railroad Built
    The transcontinental railroad was the first railroad to connect the country as a whole and you could ride to the western half of the united states
  • Typewriter

    The typewriter made it possible to write letters and documents faster than by hand. The invention of the typewriter made women able to get better jobs.
  • Airbrake invented

    Airbrake invented
    The brake was a failsafe brake for trains on railroads making trains safer and making more people travel on trains
  • Standard oil company dissolved

    Standard oil company dissolved
    An oil monopoly created by John D. Rockefeller in cleveland ohio. This company held a monopoly over most of the oil companies in the US at this time.
  • Telephone Invented

    Telephone Invented
    The telephone allowed people to call people and talk from long distances which was revolutionary at the time.
  • B and O Railroad Strike

    B and O Railroad Strike
    A railroad strike in 1877 that started because of the cutting of wages for the third time in a year by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
  • Invention of Light Bulb

    Invention of Light Bulb
    Thomas edison patented this idea. He created the filament in the middle of the lightbulb to help it light up. This revolutionized the workplace and homelife of all americans.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    A riot that was the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration in Haymarket Square in Chicago.
  • Statue of libery

    Statue of libery
    The statue of liberty represented freedom in america and welcomed immigrants to the US. It was given to the US by the French.
  • Gospel of Wealth Published

    Gospel of Wealth Published
    A book written by Andrew Carnegie. Describes the new philanthropy of the self made rich.
  • Forest Reserve Act

    Forest Reserve Act
    Allowed the president to set aside forest reserves from public domain.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    An industrial lockout and strike which began on June 30, 1892, that created a battle between private security agents and strikers.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    Nationwide railroad strike on May, 11 1894. It pitted the American Railway Union againist the pullman company, the main railroads, and the federal governement.
  • Carnegie sells to Morgan

    Carnegie sells to Morgan
    Carnegie was given the chance to sell his company to a group of investors headed by J.P. Morgan for $400 Million. Carnegie steel was the center of american steel and controlled 70% of the steel industry.
  • Standard Oil Company

    Standard Oil Company
    U.S. oil corporation that held a monopoly over the U.S. oil industry from 1870 to 1911.