Gibbs Chapter 12

  • Young Adulthood

    Age 20 to 40
    Women particularly find themselves reassessing their lives in their 30s, called the age 30 transition"
    75% to 80% of people get married at least once
    Median age range for marriage: 23 to 27 for men, 21 to 25 for women
    86% of people still see marriage as permanent
    Only 4% of U.S. marriages are interracial
    More than 90% of married couples are of the same religion
    Children of divorced parents are more likely to have behavioral problems, engage in substance abuse, and earn lower grades
  • Middle Adulthood

    Age 40 to 65
    Erik Erikson: believed the greatest challenge facing middle-aged adults is generativity
    People experience a midlife transition ages of 40 to 45
    In their early 40s, a critical event often occurs
    Women tend to undergo their midlife transitions about 5 years earlier than men do, age 35 instead of 40
    At age 40, women are beginning to have regular mammograms
    Gail Sheehy: positive about the years from 45 to 65
    - Calls these years "age of mastery"
  • Middle Adulthood cont.

    Middlescence: used to describe a period of searching that in some ways resembles adolescence
    Empty-Nest Syndrome: The feelings of emptiness and loss mothers and fathers sometimes feel after the children have left home to establish their own lives
    Menopause: The end of menstruation, usually occurs in a woman’s late 40s or early 50s, although it can occur earlier or later
    - Caused by a decrease in the hormones estrogen and progestrone
    Age 40 or 50, testosterone levels in men begin to decline
  • Late Adulthood

    Age 65
    2 theories of aging: programmed theories and cellular damage theories
    Programmed theories
    - Heredity influences our cells
    - Heredity affects our hormones
    - Heredity influences the immune system
    Cellular damage theories: The view that aging occurs because body cells lose the capacity to reproduce and maintain themselves as a result of damage
    - Cross-linking may be yet another cause of aging
    Cognitive development is also affected by aging
    - creativity
    - memory functioning
    - intelligence
  • Late Adulthood: Dementia

    People with dementia show major losses in memory
    - Occurs after age 65 then called senile dementia
    - Most cases are people over 80
    Alzheimer's Disease: A progressive form of mental deterioration that affects about 10% of people over the age of 65 and nearly half of those over the age of 85
    - Not a normal part of aging
    Vascular Dementia: Can be caused by the bursting of a blood vessel in the brain (as during a stroke) or by a decrease in the blood supply to the brain
  • Late Adulthood: Retirement / Grandparenthood / Living Arrangements

    Some jobs must retire at 65 or 70
    - Retirement can also place stress on a marriage because spouses since they are spending more time together
    - They may join volunteer groups and participate more in community activities
    Grandparents often have more relaxed relationships with their grandchildren than they had with their children
    Nearly 30% of older people will spend some time in a nursing home.
    However, the populations of nursing homes usually consist of people who are 80 or older.
  • Late Adulthood: Ego Integrity / Aging and Adjustment

    Erik Erikson: Believed that people in late adulthood, like those in other stages of life, face certain developmental tasks
    - Believed that one challenge facing people in late adulthood is the maintenance of ego integrity
    - A person with ego integrity is able to accept his or her approaching death.
    Most people in their 70s report being largely satisfied with their lives.
    - More than 75% rate their health as good or excellent.
    About 10% of people age 65 or older live below the poverty line.
  • Death and Dying

    Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: Theorized that there are five stages through which many dying people pass
    - Denial
    - Anger
    - Bargaining
    - Depression
    - Acceptance
    Edwin Shneidman: has not found that the feelings follow a particular sequence. Finds that people faced with approaching death show a variety of reactions
    Euthanasia: Comes from the Greek language and means “easy death”
    Many funerals include a eulogy
    Bereaved: mourning over something or someone precious who has been taken away