German Unification Timeline

  • Period: to

    Napolean Invades German Lands

    From 1806 to 1812, Napolean started making territorial changes in German countries. The people of these countries liekd him as a leader and respected his decisions. However, some people did not like his chnges, and people trying to free their country from french rule started to demand unification in Germany.
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    Congress of Vienna

    A conference of leaders of European states. It was held with the hopes of balancing power. They wanted to prevent politcal revolutions.
  • Otton Von Bismarck Birth

    Otton Von Bismarck Birth
    He was born in Schönhausen, Germany. He was born to a wealthy family.
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    Bismarck Becomes Prime minister

    Created a balance of power. Managed to preserve peace in Prussia for years. He was able to prevent revolts.
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    Economic Development

    The economic growth started with the reorganization of agriculture, followed by the growth of the textile industry. Then zollverein was introduced, and sparked many economic reforms. Industrial changes, like the use of iron railroads, also influenced economic development. The growth died down around 1918.
  • Zollverein

    Formed to maintain tariffs. Wanted to keep economic policies and order.
  • Fankfurt Assembly Demands Unity

    Fankfurt Assembly Demands Unity
    Liberals gathered in the Frankfurt assembly to damand unity of Germany. This assembly was a result of the liberal revolution.
  • Fredrick Willian VI is offered the throne

    Fredrick Willian VI is offered the throne
    Fredrick William VI was offered the throne but turned it down. He did not want to be offered by the people.
  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    A family business started by Alex Krupp hat manufactured steel. In 1859, they manufactured the first 312 steel cannon that Prussia used in military war.
  • Blood and Iron speech

    Blood and Iron speech
    Bismark wrote and presented this speech to the German people. He wanted to unify Germany and his main point was to strengthen the military.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Denmark

    Bismarck Declares War on Denmark
    Prussia was not strong enough to defeat Denmark alone, so they became allies with Austria. By teaming up, they became strong enough to conquer Denmark.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Austria

    Bismarck Declares War on Austria
    Austria feared it would lose respect from smaller states. After using Austria as an ally to defeat denmark, Germany declared and won the war against Austria.
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    Bismarck Becomes Chancellor

    Bismarck became the chancellor of the North German confederation. A chancellor is the highest official of a monarchy.
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    Campaign against Socialism

    Bismarck noticed that the growth of socialism posed a threat on the authority of the empire. He feared the socialists would persuade the workers to revolt. He tried to abolish social groups, but it backfired and he was unable to. By 1912, it held a majority of the seats in the Reichstag.
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    Franco Prussian War

    Due to conflict regarding unification in Germany. Prussia fought against Napolean III and his army. Prussia won the war.
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    Campaign Against the Church (Kulturekampf)

    Kulturekampf meaning "culture struggle", it refers to German policy changes. It took power and the role away from the church. It was enacted by Bismarck, and any preists and bishops who resisted were punished.
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    Population growth

    Over this time span, the population in Prussia had almost doubled. This was due to economic and political changes.
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    William I of Prussia Becomes Emperor

    Under the leadership of him and his minister President Otto Von Bismark, Prussia achieved the unification of Germany and the establishment of the German Empire.
  • Constitution Drafted by Bismarck

    Constitution Drafted by Bismarck
    Constitution representing the northern German states. The constitution was originally written by Bismarck.
  • Second Reich is Created

    Second Reich is Created
    Bismarck Created the second Reich of Germany. It was a period of unification that reached its climax during the Franco- Prussian war.
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    William II becomes Kaiser

    William II was crowned kaiser after Bismarck resigned in 1888. A kaiser is the same thing as an emperor. He was an ineffective war leader and his troops turned on him, causing him to exile to the Netherlands in 1918.
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    After being in different positions of authority for 28 years, Bismarck resigns form chancellor. He was replaced by Wiliam II.