
German Unification (Bismark)

  • Parliament denies Budget

    William the I, wants to increase the Military budget to enlarge his army, and prolong compulsory military service from two to three years.
    The Prussian Diet cockblocked these proposals, which lead to a deadlock where neither side backed down
  • Otto von Bismark is appointed Minister President / Foreign Minister

    Otto von Bismark is appointed Minister President / Foreign Minister
    Bismark has entered the scene!!
    (also he demands full control of foreign affairs let's goooo)
  • BLOOD AND IRON speech

    "Preußen muß seine Kraft zusammenfassen und zusammenhalten auf den günstigen Augenblick, der schon einige Male verpaßt ist; Preußens Grenzen nach den Wiener Verträgen sind zu einem gesunden Staatsleben nicht günstig; nicht durch Reden oder Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden – das ist der große Fehler von 1848 und 1849 gewesen – sondern durch Eisen und Blut." also he says that the king has ultimate say in deadlock situations, so now the king controls the budget
  • German-Danish War

    German-Danish War
    Prussia and Austria join Forces to conquer Schleswing and Holstein.
    The Danish surrender their claims from the Congress of Vienna
  • Gastein Convention

    Prussia occupies Schleswig, Austria administers Holstein When austria breaks this agreement by placing the Schleswig-Holstein Situation under the control of the Federal Diet, Prussia occupies Holstein. After Bismark proposes a controversial constitution to the Federal Diet, a war starts
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    (see gastein convention for cause)
    Prussia was supported by the northern states and had a well-equipped army, austria was supported by Hannover and some southern states
    After only seven weeks of fighting, Austria was gnomed.
  • Praque Peace Settlement of 1867

    William the 1st proposed harsh treaty terms, but was convinced by Bismark to not anger the Austrians, so a German Unification would be easier in the long run. Austria then accepted the previously declared end of the German Confederation, and gave prussia free reign in organizing Germany. Prussia didn't take Austrian Territory but annexed northern states allied with austria (e.g. Hannover) and formed the North German Confederation (all states above river main)
    [end of austro-Prussian dualism]
  • Customs Union Parliament

    The Customs Union (1834) recieves a parliament, and everyone in the North German Confederation is ALLOWED to join,
    then in june, FORCED to enter (lol) This excludes Austria from German Politics AND German economic policy. Also in the first election the majority of elected representatives opposed the parliament itself, again, because it was forced upon them.
  • Queen Isabella is deposed

    Prince Leopold of the Hohenzollern is offered th Spanish crown.
    Leopold is a relative of the Prussian King,
    which concerns the French.
    They are afraid of a prussian puppet on the spanish throne, which they also lay claim to.
  • Ems Telegram

    Ems Telegram
    France feels threatened by the developments in Germany, and when a prussian relative is offered the spanish crown, this raises some eyebrows in france. Count Benedetti is sent as an ambassador to the King William I, who is currently in Bad Ems.
    He asked the King to renounce the offer and all following offers for all time.
    William only agrees to reject the current offer. Bismark is tasked with publishing this to the press, he edits it in a way that seems insulting to both sides >:)
  • Franco Prussian War

    Franco Prussian War
    The Ems Telagram leads to outcries in France to start a war with Germany.
    Napoleon III finally gives in to demands, declaring war. Southern states (Baden, Würtemberg + Bavaria) immediately join the war on "Germany"´s Side
  • Battle of Sedan

    Battle of Sedan
    This battle was apparently so devastating that Napoleon III surrendered to and was subsequently captured by the Germans. The Germans marched onwards toward Paris.
  • German Empire proclaimed in Versailles

    German Empire proclaimed in Versailles
    The German Empire is Proclaimed in Versailles, in the Hall of Mirrors, were French Emperors are usually crowned.
    (LOL XD French owned, let's hope they don't seek revenge after this.) Anyway there was some discussion with southern states whether William was Emperor OF the Germany or Emperor IN Germany.
    William was kinda insulted by some of this but bismark gaslighted him into accepting the title (i mean c'mon you get way more power either way)
  • Treaty of Frankfurt

    Treaty of Frankfurt
    France has to:
    -hand over Asace-Lorraine (rich in coal :( )
    -pay five billion francs
    -be occupied by german soldiers until payment French people are very mad and seek revenge
    They feel humilated and walked all over
    Especially the proclamation in THEIR hall of mirrors makes them angry Other European states are also concerned about Germany growing stronger.
    WIlliam I and Bismark aim to preserve their new German Empire and chill out a lil.