German Unification

  • Speech to the Frankfort Assembly

    The positive remarks the author makes about Prussia is all the interests which are national and reformative. The negative remarks the author makes about Austris is Austria's power meant lack of power for us
  • The proclamation of Friedrich Wilhelm IV

    Two reasons why Friedrich Wilhelm gave for rejecting the crown of the national assembly is without the consent of the German governments and that he would accept a constitution which could not be reconciled with the rights of the German states
  • Bismarck's "letter to Minister von Manteuffel"

    Bismarck anticipated that both will plough the same dispute arce, and Austria will remain the only state to whom we can permanently lose or from whom we can permanently gain
  • Otto von Bismarck

    Germany avoided wounding Austria too severely because they wanted to avoid leaving behind in her any unnecessary bitterness or feelings or desire for revenge
  • Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke

    The war of 1866 took place between Prussia and Austria. Prussia felt itself called upon and strong enough to assume the leadership of the German races.
  • "The Imperial Proclamation January 18, 1871"

    The German imperial office called for King Wilhelm to assume the crown of emperor. An adequate arrangement such as provided for this in the constitution of the German confederation had to happen so that King Wilhelm would accept the crown. Two duties Wilhelm accepted in this proclamation were to answer summons of the united German Prices and cities and to accept the German imperial title.